martes, 10 de mayo de 2011

Whirlwind Over Vietnam

Whirlwind Over Vietnam. Whirlwind Over Vietnam
  • Whirlwind Over Vietnam

  • patseguin
    Sep 12, 02:16 PM
    Are these enhancements in software, so my existing 5G iPod video will reap the benefits of games, gapless, movies, etc.?

    Whirlwind Over Vietnam. Whirlwind Over Vietnam
  • Whirlwind Over Vietnam

  • toddybody
    Mar 22, 03:08 PM
    Nobody wants the 24". That's why they stopped making it. It was useless.

    24 inch useless? Thanks god, for telling us what's what.

    Whirlwind Over Vietnam. Whirlwind Over Vietnam
  • Whirlwind Over Vietnam

  • freebooter
    Sep 14, 12:16 PM
    You need to stop capitalizing that "i". Seriously.
    I hope that the "i" prefix drops from use all together.

    Whirlwind Over Vietnam. Whirlwind Over Vietnam
  • Whirlwind Over Vietnam

  • ericmooreart
    Mar 30, 01:21 PM
    What about the Container Store, which is trademarked? Seems like the difference is whether or not the term is in common use before the trademark is filed.

    Thats a pretty good point. But After some research I found they trademarked the phrase "THE Container store" not Container Store.

    Whirlwind Over Vietnam. Bamboo over Stream
  • Bamboo over Stream

    Apr 4, 12:11 PM
    Did he use an iGun?

    Whirlwind Over Vietnam. Whirlwind over Vietnam
  • Whirlwind over Vietnam

  • BenRoethig
    Sep 1, 11:40 AM
    How reliable is MacOSXrumors?

    Whirlwind Over Vietnam. Whirlwind over Vietnam
  • Whirlwind over Vietnam

  • rmhop81
    Apr 22, 08:30 AM

    --Dependence on an internet connection. Deal breaker right there. Subways? Forget it.
    --Buffer times
    --Connection instability/loss
    --Already way overstrained data networks contributing to the above
    --Battery life will suffer if it's wifi
    --And if it's 3G, well there's another bill in the mail every month. A recurring bill in the form of data charges to listen to my music I already paid for? No thank you. No, no, no thank you.

    Since when did every device in the house need a monthly bill to go with it? AT&T provides a pretty crappy service as it is to begin with, why shuffle any more money right into their pockets?

    Dependence on an internet connection and a bill in the mail are enormous deal breakers.

    To the people saying "Oh, well Apple isn't taking your hard drive away", no, they aren't, but this is the first step. In 20 years hard drives will be obsolete, as everything will be cloud based, and you'll be forced into the cloud whether you want to be or not.

    This service is a completely stupid idea for anyone who has an iPod with a big enough hard drive to store their stuff. I can see the appeal for those with more than 160 GB of music, but other than those people, I see literally zero benefits to be had by this, and a slew of problems/frustrations to be gained.
    ever heard of the pandora app??

    Whirlwind Over Vietnam. لعبة Whirlwind Over Vietnam
  • لعبة Whirlwind Over Vietnam

  • twoodcc
    Sep 19, 10:55 PM
    well i must say that i'm very impressed with the success so far. maybe we'll start seeing more movies

    Whirlwind Over Vietnam. Whirlwind over Vietnam
  • Whirlwind over Vietnam

  • thworple
    Oct 27, 09:52 AM
    Dude, it's a MacWorld convention, not an environmental love-in. GP needs to get their own convention. They were on private property - the conf organizers have the right to do what they want. Never mind their rights, huh?

    Hmmmm, so what you're saying is that a quiet protest (which as an eye-witness I can say this was!!) about a subject they feel strongly about isn't allowed at certain conventions because of the political orientation of the people in charge.

    The whole point of the MacExpo is to show the services that Apple and its Third-Party agents can supply to the public. I don't see what the harm is in advertising what they DON'T offer (ie:- in the opinion of Greenpeace - a sound environmental agenda) at the same time.

    I'm not going to side with any particular viewpoint about Apple's "green policy" here, as I simply have not read enough about it to convey an honest and balanced opinion. however I do feel that it is within Greenpeace's right to advertise the issues they feel strongly about in an orderly manner (which as far as I'm concerned they did on Thursday!).

    Whirlwind Over Vietnam. Whirwind Over Vietnam
  • Whirwind Over Vietnam

  • iphones4evry1
    Nov 13, 02:38 PM
    This is becoming an epidemic of developers that are upset with Apple's App review process. I have no problem with Apple reviewing Apps, as it increases security for us users, BUT I think Apple needs to COMPLETELY overhaul their App process. There is no way in heck that it should take three months for a follow-up review of an App that they have already delayed. Three months is completely unacceptable in the rest of the world, and this looks VERY bad for Apple. Apple needs to COMPLETELY redo their completely inefficient app-review process, and get back up with the standards that the rest of the world operates on. If it took me three months to do anything, I would never have graduated college. They gave us due dates, and we did our work! It works the same way at my job. People aren't given three months to get things done. Apple gets an "F" on this one! "A day late, a penny short."

    Whirlwind Over Vietnam. 2d1vhnp Whirlwind Over Vietnam
  • 2d1vhnp Whirlwind Over Vietnam

  • goosnarrggh
    Apr 11, 12:24 PM
    That would break all properly licensed third party hardware.

    Unless, as mentioned earlier in this thread, that 3rd party hardware includes the ability to upgrade its firmware. In that case, all customers will be required to install a mandatory "security" bug fix which installs support for a new private key, and everything proceeds as normal.

    Heck, it's even possible that Apple might already have planned for this contingency, and instead of just having one private key, they may have come up with a set of many private keys to choose from, and also preprogrammed support for all of those keys into every properly licensed accessory. Maybe they just planned to use the first key up until it was compromised, and then move on to another.

    Now, they might just push a new iTunes upgrade that blacklists the compromised key and moves on to another one -- and at the same time, instruct all licensed equipment to also add that key to their own blacklist (while continuing to maintain seamless support for all the remainder of the preprogrammed keys) the next time the licensed equipment connects to an authorized audio source.

    (Unless, maybe the reverse engineer in this case already anticipated such an eventuality, and actually extracted all of the keys -- assuming, of course, that there really are multiple keys. If that were the case, then the reverse engineer hypothetically might have defeated the entire benefit that Apple might have derived from hypothetically having multiple keys to choose from in the first place...)

    Whirlwind Over Vietnam. Whirlwind Over Vietnam
  • Whirlwind Over Vietnam

  • KingCrimson
    Apr 30, 04:44 PM
    If you look closely though, Microsoft made LESS in revenue ($16billion to Apple's 20billion) but almost equally matches Apple in profit (5.3 billion to Apple's ~6billion). All things equal, Microsoft is still a better company in terms of profitability range due to their significant lower revenue but a close call on profit standards.

    That's quite a spin. Almost a pure software company SHOULD have higher profit margins to a 50/50 hardware/software company. The fact is AAPL stock is so high because investors like that AAPL has many profit engines and a good history of bringing new ones online every year. MSFT has not had a real hit in forever.

    Whirlwind Over Vietnam. Whirlwind Over Vietnam
  • Whirlwind Over Vietnam

  • jafd
    Apr 25, 04:33 PM
    No, I don't think people can spontaneously tell the difference between aluminium and (stainless) steel. I'm talking about people with no knowledge about metallurgy whatsoever. Believe me, they have no idea. They don't know what is lighter and what is more durable. If I told people that my macbook is made out of silver they would believe me.

    Please tell me what country you are from so I never ever visit it, I'm just too scared of the undereducation your people have got there.

    Whirlwind Over Vietnam. 《越南旋风》(Whirlwind Over
  • 《越南旋风》(Whirlwind Over

  • Kedest
    Apr 25, 02:34 PM
    Steve Jobs described the Air as "All notebooks will be like this someday" and
    "the future of the MacBook"
    So SSD fully replacing HDD is probably what we'll see in the next refresh I think.
    But a new update needs more than that. So I think Apple will also wait for Intel's Ivy Bridge.

    Whirlwind Over Vietnam. JOGO - WHIRLWIND OVER VIETNAM

  • dsnort
    Sep 19, 02:09 PM
    Make it 125,001. My wife has been dying to get "Stick It".

    Whirlwind Over Vietnam. Whirlwind over Vietnam
  • Whirlwind over Vietnam

  • bpfesq
    Mar 30, 12:39 PM
    It goes to show you what our legal system really is like. Kind of goes to show you that much of our legal system is nothing more than expensive babies fighting. Also goes to show you why our government is such a mess because guess what most of our political leaders are........ You guessed it LAWYERS. This is pretty much a world wide thing.

    Yeah, blame it on the lawyers. :rolleyes:

    Lawyers solve problems. Here, we have a dispute amongst the 2 businesses. The lawyers are just arguing the positions of their respective clients. Not sure why the lawyers deserve much, if any, of the blame.

    People act like every lawyer is a ambulance chasing scumbag. Well, that is until they're wronged in some way and call their lawyer to help.

    Whirlwind Over Vietnam. Whirlwind Over Vietnam -
  • Whirlwind Over Vietnam -

  • iJohnHenry
    Apr 10, 07:20 PM
    I think they also have some ridiculous maternity leave like 16 months for BOTH PARENTS, shared somehow. I must say, that is a nice way to do it.

    Ridiculous? Not quite, from the parent's perspective.

    In Canada we have 12 months maternity leave, which can be taken by either spouse, or split, 6 months/6 months.

    Where the F is THAT???

    We would call that absence of traffic.

    Whirlwind Over Vietnam. لعبة Whirlwind Over Vietnam
  • لعبة Whirlwind Over Vietnam

  • iJohnHenry
    Apr 11, 03:57 PM
    Lottery and Gambling winnings are tax exempt. I wish the Canadians would annex Vegas.;) All my card counting skills is lining Uncle Sam's pockets.:mad: And if I get caught, the medical bills for fixing my thumbs won't come out of my pockets.;)

    Bob, it that you?? :p

    Whirlwind Over Vietnam. Whirlwind over Vietnam
  • Whirlwind over Vietnam

  • optophobia
    Mar 23, 06:27 PM
    I'd rather have an app that shows police officers donut runs.

    While that app would seem fun to begin with, the THOUSANDS of push messages you receive would become annoying quickly.

    Mar 30, 12:08 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPod; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    There's a place in my town called "fresh fish".

    Now THAT is a generic term.

    Oct 12, 10:01 PM
    All I can say is this...

    I would buy a red iPod regardless of if the money went to a good cause. I think red would look sexy as ****.

    Apr 10, 11:07 AM
    Not quite true that "Europeans" have a minimum wage of $18/hour. Remember conditions in the UK, France, Germany, Spain etc will be quite different to say Romania and Slovakia (but they will still have minimum standards set by the EU).

    Later this year the UK minimum wage will be �6.08 for adults. That's $9.96 today, so $10. Presuming 5 day working week the minimum holiday amount is 28 days (5.6 weeks). The employer can control when you take time off, but can't be silly about it.

    Loads of other stuff as well makes it complex. For example, you must either have 24 continual hours off in a 7 day period or 48 continual hours in 14.

    Remember, we have high taxes (~20% VAT etc) but better public services in general. The UK average house price is �232k ($380k), I understand your average is ~$280k.

    Swings and roundabouts!

    Nov 14, 05:49 AM
    I've had serious plans for starting to develop software for the iPhone, as an experienced software developer. I've considered buying the latest iMac version for improved performance and a bigger screen than on my 13" MacBook. But I've changed my mind. Why develop for a platform with a defect application approval process? I don't want all that frustration. I'll probably develop for the Android instead. The iPhone is still the best platform but Apple sucks. Period.

    Apr 19, 10:58 PM
    See the roll eyes after his post, I think he was being sarcastic.

    No, I truly hate that place.. and all it stands for.

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