martes, 10 de mayo de 2011

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  • meanpeoplesuck
    Aug 23, 05:30 PM
    Creative declares 'war' on Apple's iPod (

    I guess Creative just broke even. :)

    In other news, Creative has been granted permission to use the "Made For iPod" logo on their upcoming line of iPod accessories.

    You know that article came out in 2004 right? Just making sure

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  • Dorkington
    Apr 25, 09:24 AM
    IMO, progressive does not equal big government. In fact, progressives and conservatives probably want the same overall size, but weighted in different directions. Social vs Defense.

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  • mcmadhatter
    Sep 12, 02:11 PM
    I hope Apple releases an iPod software update so those of us who already own 5th generation iPods can take advantage of all these new features.

    so do I, because I bought a game thinking it would work with my 5th generation ipod and it doesn't :(

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  • bad03xtreme
    Apr 4, 12:12 PM
    Good for the guard darwinism at it's best.

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  • duervo
    Mar 23, 06:12 PM
    I wonder how many who posted here in favor of removing these apps, are also supporters of wikileaks? i'm sure it's a significant number. how ironic.

    How about you duervo, you a wikileaks fan? hmm?

    The true irony here is your blatant assumption that is based on nothing more than a "gut feeling".

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  • rtheb
    Apr 30, 01:28 PM
    Kind of makes you feel really sad for Steve and Bill...

    $5,000,000,000.00 :eek:

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  • Rodimus Prime
    Apr 25, 12:54 AM
    Rodimus I think you misunderstand. When I flew up on her I slowed down. I signaled for her to move over to the "slow lane," she did not. After I signaled her again, she brakechecked me. When she did that, I passed her, waited till there was a car on her side and then slammed on my brakes, forcing her into the service lane, in order to avoid hitting me.


    And the stupidity of this story increases.

    You have now just introduced road rage into what you did.
    Btw if she hit you on that legally speaking YOU would be responsible for the wreck since you did that on purpose to case a wreck.

    Remember you are a bad driver and will be for at least the next 5 years. You lack the experience to judge road conditions and learn what is important and not important to track. Your brain while you are driving is having to do a lot more work than lets say my brain at processing all the information it is bring in while you are driving. It does not have a data base built up yet to learn what can be tossed out and what is important. You are actively have to do it. Compared to someone who has 5+ years under their belt who's brain can filter threw and only deal with the important stuff. This leave much more processing power to deal with said important stuff.

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  • dime21
    Apr 14, 12:39 PM
    Some PC ship with FW, but not many. It is considered a Mac only interface.

    That's because intel and the peecee vendors crippled it. Mac's all have normal firewire ports. Every peecee and windows laptop I've ever seen has the micro-firewire ports that are normally only for portable end devices like video cameras and camcorders. The micro ports do not provide bus power either!

    Imagine if they did that with USB, instead of putting the normal USB ports on your Dell or HP laptop, they put the micro USB ports like you find on a cell phone, and also took away the bus-power, so thumb drives wouldn't work, and any USB device would require an external A/C adapter. That would have completely destroyed USB as a technology and nobody would have used it. Well, that's *exactly* what they did to Firewire.

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  • spazzcat
    Mar 29, 12:50 PM
    Here were their illuminating predictions in Jan 2010. :rolleyes:

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  • shartypants
    Mar 22, 03:37 PM
    Why not, its best to move production to the newer processor if it costs the same.

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  • iMacZealot
    Sep 17, 07:33 PM
    You are wrong. CDMA is also in SK and Japan. Most 3G users in Japan are on CDMA2000 a varient of CDMA that is used in the U.S.

    I meant on a 2G level; I wanted to make things simple so that he/she could understand. And don't forget about the popular W-CDMA technologies, such as UMTS/HSPDA which is used by Cingular and soon T-Mobile in the US.

    And Japan's 2G PDC technology is by the way TDMA based and not CDMA! Although their 3G technologies I believe are CDMA based.

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  • ClimbingTheLog
    Sep 5, 12:40 PM
    No one else has yet mentioned that the Airport Extreme is currently reflecting a 1-3 week shipping period (, while the Airport Express ( still says it will ship within 24 hours on the Apple Store Online. It would seem that it is the Extreme and not the Express to be getting the update.

    That makes sense if Apple is going 802.11n-draft. The Extreme needs -N support so the mystery box has something to talk to.

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  • milo
    Sep 5, 06:11 PM
    Read my previous post :)

    I did. It was about connecting AV cables to the TV. Which was covered in the pic.

    Please, for the love of God, start making some sense.

    By using the BOX with the HARD DRIVE next to the TV!!

    They're going to use a stripped down box connected to a TELEVISION to do things like send email and surf the web??? :eek: By making that box a full fledged computer, you just tripled the price at least. What a horrible idea. If you're going to spend the money on a computer, why not make it useful as a computer instead of wasting money by using it only to play back TV programs? And with your proposal, how does someone watch TV while someone else is surfing the web?

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  • roocka
    Apr 30, 08:09 PM
    Here come the "My iMac's overheating" threads.

    Apple has been working on a method of spraying Liquidmetal to be used as a thermal component on the insides of the iMacs. Check out the link if you don't believe me.

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  • archurban
    Sep 19, 02:26 PM
    it's good to hear. somebody compare with TV shows download for first week. but I think it's not the same as movies because TV is always near you to watch anytime. but movie. you should go to buy it at shop or online store like amazon, or rental. however watching movies on HBO or other channels is not the same. so TV shows increase more than movie. 125,000 download is fairly good. of course it will be grown up very fast.

    I purchased two movies so far. hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy, Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl. they are more than my expectation. near DVD quality. yeah, it is. it's hardly found the difference between ITS movie and DVD. they are just like TV shows which have no commercial. I like it. Special feature? hmm. I don't need. well, someone wants. but it't not a big deal.

    I hope that I will see more studios distribution on ITS from next week. then see how many movies will be added before next year.

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  • bellman
    Apr 30, 01:49 PM

    Yes i've been waiting for this;)

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  • PghLondon
    Apr 30, 07:10 PM
    I beg to differ, My iMac 7,1 looks like the new ones. I have had it for over 3 years.

    Similar, but not the same. The new design came out in October 2009.

    New sizes, new aspect ratio, removal of plastic from the enclosure, removed the outer aluminum bezel, etc. And new guts, of course.

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  • kevin.rivers
    Jul 14, 10:49 PM
    Whether IMac takes Merom or Conroe, it's still 64 bit. Does anybody have any feeling whether the IMac will be able to handle > 2GB of memory (assuming 2GB dimms are for sale)? That would make me very happy :)


    As far as I know it can handle 2GB+ memory now up to 4GB on the 945G.

    The 945G supports 64-bit, so you can drop in a Merom. So current intel iMacs will do 4GB and 64bit.

    If Apple drops in Merom in the next few months without moving to a new chipset. I am guessing the amount of memory will still be limited by the chipset, at 4GB.

    If Apple goes Merom with a new chipset, or Conroe that will change the ball game.

    So. The last factor is of course cost. 2GB sticks are way too much to be cost effective. I would hope to see the cost come down, once the need for 4GB of memory in a mobile becomes necessary. I don't think it is right now.

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  • AlBDamned
    Aug 23, 06:12 PM
    You seem to be unfamiliar with our court system. This case could have dragged on for YEARS, and cost Apple a TON of money--possibly far more than 100 Million.

    Not really. Creative was going broke. This was the best possible outcome for them.

    To Apple it could have made all the sense of a business deal.

    Imagine the lawyers:

    "Ride it out and you may win or you may lose and it'll cost you $200-250 million.

    Pay up now, get Creative on board, don't appear to be the bad guy and close any issues with patents - now and in the future - for $100 million."

    Mar 30, 12:58 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_0 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8A293 Safari/6531.22.7)

    'app store' means simply 'store at which apps are offered for sale,'

    So what about Apple store?

    It would not be a problem. Unless they started selling fruits.

    Apr 12, 08:12 PM
    Snow Leopard:

    Thanks GGJ.

    What about the security sensitive files in /Library? Such as /Library/InputManagers, /Library/Extensions, /Library/LaunchDaemons, /Library/Security, and etc?

    I am pretty sure these only have system with write privileges. No?

    kozmic stu
    Aug 24, 02:10 AM
    At least this gets it all out of the way, hey.


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    Aug 28, 12:38 PM
    Why so many negative votes?

    Maybe because most manufacturers have started selling Core 2 Duo computers but Apple hasn't.

    Apr 11, 07:28 PM
    Its a diesel ;). But I guess it also shows how crazy US emissions regulations are.

    Is it emissions regulation or just plain laziness by the automakers?

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