jueves, 26 de mayo de 2011

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  • h'biki
    Mar 20, 07:09 PM
    It is wrong? How so? If I burn a track for my wedding video, yes, I'm technically breakeing the law, but there is nothing immoral about doing that. No one is losing out on any money. No one is being hurt. He isn't stealing anything. He's breaking a copyright law that makes no sense in that case.

    But what if I got hold of that wedding video and decided to, I dunno, turn it into a music video for my own music... and that music video got onto MTV? No one is losing out on any money. No one is being hurt. I'm not stealing. I'm -merely- infringing copyright.

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  • skunk
    Apr 23, 04:09 PM
    The Bible, as you may or may not know, is the basis for Christianity, and the Old Testament is the basis for Judaism.No, the basis of Christianity is the Old and New Testaments.

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  • faroZ06
    May 2, 06:46 PM
    Except this is not a virus. Some of you guys need a course on malware terminology. This is a trojan at best. Spyware at worst. Hardly a virus.

    Exactly, everyone always talks about Macs being susceptible to viruses and viruses already existing for Macs, then they give the whole "market share" speech. I'm just sitting here virus and malware free laughing :p and most likely will be even if Apple gains market share. I'm a halftime Windows user, and I see soooo many security problems in it, but the MS fanboys blame market share!

    I will say that market share DOES up the number of attacks on something, which is why Windows gets attacked so much, but it's also much much easier to attack than Mac OS.

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  • Sydde
    Apr 22, 10:25 PM
    someone hasn't posted in that thread for 5 months ... why would people all of a sudden want to revive it ... today we have this one.

    Because it is the third longest example of drift on PRSI (for now) and since appleguy123 started that one, of course he wants it to continue.

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  • KnightWRX
    May 2, 05:16 PM
    A few people need to stop being so short sighted in trying to meticulously defend the idea of "no viruses on Macs". Ultimately it's a rather hollow ideal to uphold because uninitiated users accept it as gospel and it doesn't encourage them to adopt safe computer practices.

    It's not. You don't defend against viruses the way you do against worms the way you do against trojans. The distinction is important as the infection vectors differs and the defense mechanism also differ.

    To lump all malware together as some common entity is what doesn't encourage users to adopt safe computer practices, instead relying on the snake oil sold by Intego and other FUD spreaders to "keep them safe".

    Know thy enemy.

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  • jellybean
    Apr 24, 08:06 PM
    And an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope...

    I didn't expect some sort of Spanish inquisition :eek:

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  • Multimedia
    Oct 6, 10:34 AM
    OK, it seems like Woodcrest was officially unveiled by Intel on July 27 and the new Mac Pros were available for purchase (same day they were announced) on August 7.

    So if it goes like that, we could see these things as early as late November, right? Just doing some wishful thinking! :)

    Ugh, it's gonna be hard waiting until December or January. I just hope the price won't be so much higher than what we see now.Yeah if it happens in November I will buy right away. I agree with you it SHOULD happen in November.

    Price should be same as the 3GHz Woodie Quad because the published price for the 2.33GHz Clovertowns is exactly the same as the published price for the 3GHz Woodies - $851 each. Anything higher would be price gouging and all of Apple's customers should know that. So it would be shockingly unexpected if price is any higher at all.

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    Apr 13, 01:43 AM
    I think I'm supposed to feel insulted by your ignorance. but I don't. If you want to make a counter argument, you can start by being honest about what I was saying.

    you made a mistake. you should have said. "I think I'm supposed to feel insulted by "MY" ignorance. and I would have said. yes you should because no one in their right mind would think to use an application's automatic feature and call the results suitable for delivery.
    AHAHA you have me laughing... only an Idiota would think that there is an application with one-click color correction and use such feature in a professional environment. You should change your user name to something else. usually when geeks speak they know what they are talking about. you obviously do not. do not bother to answer I do not have time to read your childish, uneducated or uninformative posts.

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  • MacCoaster
    Oct 10, 02:28 PM
    Originally posted by ddtlm
    I can just about assure you that the Mac is at a severe software disadvantage.
    And hardware. No hardware double precision floating point Altivec unit.

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  • lilo777
    May 3, 09:20 PM
    All this over someone not even intelligent enough to title their "manual installation required" malware 'security update for Snow Leopard'

    I like how the solution is basically "delete it"

    Did you read about this solution on Apple web site? Not everybody reads MacRumors.

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  • liavman
    Apr 15, 10:02 AM
    You could make the argument that a certain amount of bullying is actually a good thing because it forces kids to develop a thick skin and learn how to deal with aggressive and negative people.

    Not the kind of bullying that leads to suicide.

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  • CaoCao
    Mar 25, 03:20 PM
    Damn right. What are we supposed to say- "Oh, you don't like us and want to deny us rights? Ok, that's just your opinion! Cool!" **** that. Sorry, not gonna happen.
    You have to prove the rights existed in the first place otherwise I could argue the government is denying my right to drive a tank
    It is entirely relevant. The leadership of the Catholic Church, as one very significant representative of a multitude of peer sects that engage in similar behavior, uses its political and rhetorical power to promote the attitudes that spread their own prejudice and enable prejudiced people, including a subset of extremists, to excuse themselves from the obligation to treat those people with fundamental dignity and respect.
    Do you even understand how the Roman Catholic Church much less the Catholic Church works?
    No argument except as to the point. This would only be a relevant criticism if I were holding Catholics responsible for an attitude held by some Christian sects, but not by Catholics themselves. On the contrary, the Catholic attitude towards homosexuality in question is common across much of Christendom.

    This thread is about the Catholic Church, so I name the Catholic Church, but the criticism is properly aimed at the attitude they share ecumenically. The consequences of prejudice against homosexuality as rationalized by Christian dogma are shared among all who promote that prejudice. The Catholic Church is neither singled out (except contextually) nor excused on that account.

    As I said, you want to reserve to the church the right to disclaim responsibility for those who act on the principles it promotes.

    I doubt you could find a sect who murdered homosexuals for fun. To return to the analogy, the Klan did not murder black people for fun. They murdered those who stepped out of line, who challenged the social status white people of the era carved out for black people.

    The mainstream hierarchy of the Catholic Church espouses the belief that homosexuals must be made to conform to Catholic prejudice regarding their proper place in society, and that Catholic belief grants them the right to do so. The premise is wrong before we even get to the method. The mainstream Catholic Church pursues this agenda in ways which do not currently involve terrorist action, but they do pursue it. The obscure terrorist sect you've hypothesized would be operating based on the same flawed premise as the "mainstream" church, arguably even more consistently, since a common interpretation of the Bible does demand the death penalty for homosexuals.

    As I keep saying, the immorality lies in the idea that one's prejudice gives one the right to force other people to live their own lives within the boundaries of that prejudice, whatever form that force may take.

    This is about the Roman Catholic Church not Christendom. Also the attitude is not shared, many Protestant groups see people as evil and wicked, the Roman Catholic Church sees homosexuals as people in need of love and support.

    By mainstream Catholic I mean someone who follows all the rules of the Catholic Church.

    The Catholic view does not demand the death of homosexuals, instead it seeks to change the behavior for they are lost sheep.

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  • ender land
    Apr 23, 06:56 PM
    Have we answered the question of why there are so many atheists here? We got sidetracked by a few people making generalizations about atheists but not adding much substance.

    I thought I answered this fairly well on the previous page.


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  • skunk
    Apr 23, 03:55 PM
    Yay! It's .Andy! G'day!

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  • gauriemma
    Sep 20, 01:48 PM
    This must be a US-centric view. Here (UK) PVRs with twin Freeview (DTT) tuners and 80GB HDs are everywhere. And they are very cheap now (120 quid upwards).

    I'm thinking of ditching my cable provider (NTL, I only get it for Sky One, which is just Simpsons repeats) and going with something like this:


    Apparently you can DL what you record to your Mac (USB). I suspect you'll then be able to play that on iTV.

    That's what we need here in the US. I have a Comcast DVR and I have no way to save any of the programs to my Mac's hard drive. It's getting kind of pointless. The DVR's drive is constantly filled to 85% or more of capacity, and I'm starting to have to delete things that I really would like to have been able to keep. I can't even get the damned programs onto a VHS.

    Does anyone know how to save Comcast DVR 'files' to an iBook?

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  • Howdr
    Mar 18, 08:40 AM
    So you're saying that if you steal $10 vs $1 million - it's not stealing? No doubt different levels of crime - but both are illegal.

    But see my post above. The long/short of it is - unlimited data is specific to the device as per the TOS. If you're breaking the TOS, you're breaking the TOS - no matter how you or anyone tries to justify it - and ATT can "retaliate" as it's within their right as per that TOS.

    I do not support ATT doing anything to those who already have a metered (limited) data plan. THAT makes no sense.
    Sir what is being stolen?


    At&t adds the data together for a month of use in your plan
    2=2=4gb of data a month, this has been explained by At&t over and over

    So If I use 2gb and use it on the phone or tether its the same

    I have unlimited

    if I use 3 gb of data next month I have stole nothing

    I used data

    what is your point?

    Crap about TOS, so what If I write a contract that you agree to buy Gas at my station for $2 a gallon when you fill up your car for a year. You then show up with a red gallon gas can I run out and say "The TOS says Car not Gas can" and I want to charge you $4 for the same gas now, this is not crap?

    You know companies lie and steal from us everyday doesn't make it right.

    I do not support ATT doing anything to those who already have a metered (limited) data plan. THAT makes no sense.

    I see you have an issue with those grandfathered, like we are stealing because we have unlimited? At&t has unlimited Data for $45 a month, its called Enterprise I see it in my account every month.

    It's not my fault you did not own an Iphone before unlimited was stopped.

    Also how about the two years I paid for 3g service and could not get 3g in my area? I disputed this with At&t and won.

    Stop making excuses for bad behavior (By At&t)

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  • IntelliUser
    Apr 15, 10:23 AM
    Whats the line in the sand? Are Gay men, simply men who find other men attractive? Do they share partial brain chemistry similar to a woman? Are some Gay Men "women trapped in men's bodies"? None of the above? We havent walked in their shoes...so defining what IS and ISNT a disease is pretty ignorant. glad we're all talking about these issues though...stay well friend and keep posting! :)

    As long as they have a penis, gay men are men. Just like this (http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2008/09/06/article-0-027FFAE600000578-658_468x657.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1052934/Cat-Man--human-tiger-enjoys-climbing-trees-eats-raw-meat-day.html&usg=__Ab-ZG2dpwk5CloR7Ey8dB0Cy2K4=&h=657&w=468&sz=114&hl=en&start=0&sig2=zhq5-T3iRhJWvKy7Hwtz-A&zoom=1&tbnid=17KAnJDFBLLCWM:&tbnh=156&tbnw=118&ei=VWKoTYalI9Gq8APuw_3LCg&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dcat%2Bman%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%26biw%3D999%26bih%3D1033%26gbv%3D2%26tbm%3Disch&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=131&vpy=102&dur=3662&hovh=266&hovw=189&tx=85&ty=130&oei=VWKoTYalI9Gq8APuw_3LCg&page=1&ndsp=21&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0) guy is a man, no matter how hard he tries not to be. Thinking otherwise is a sign of delusion, of a mental problem. And psychiatrists (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gender_identity_disorder) agree with that.

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  • Rasta4i
    Apr 21, 04:02 AM
    Irregardless of whether or not carriers will lock it down, it's available RIGHT NOW. And in the event that they put in measures to stop it, someone will find a way around it eventually.
    It was NEVER available for iOS.

    Your wariness in downloading apps doesn't negate the fact that there are many apps available, and all you have to do is spend an extra 20 seconds reading reviews to find out if the app is legitimate or not.

    I had poor battery life on my Optimus as well. Then I found Data Switch, and my battery lasts forever now. I haven't tested how long it will go, but I imagine I'd easily get 2 days out of it.

    I just hate that people have to blindly bash Android products, and this isn't aimed directly at you, just the majority of users on this site in general.

    I respect the iPhone, it's a beautiful piece of hardware.
    It works, and it works well.

    However, with the little bit of knowledge that I have, my Android phone works just as well FOR ME, and I paid nothing for it.

    The value in an iPhone just isn't there for me in particular.

    The way you speak about tethering is as if apple are charging you for it... I live in the UK where the iphone is on every network now, some allow tethering for free some made you pay. I was with o2, they were the first network to get the iphone over here and they no longer charge extra for tethering. you saying it was never available on iOS confuses me as its clearly not true and based on the carrier

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  • g.fabian
    Apr 9, 09:54 AM
    Great news. Bring on more Infinity Blade-esque games! :D

    Ehh.. I was pretty geeked out about how stunning the graphics were but to be honest, they need to come out with a peripheral controller or SOMEthing because with the touchscreen, the dynamic of the games are SOOOO limited..

    Aug 29, 02:27 PM
    I have to say, I am APPALLED by the irresponsible attitude of some people on this forum (and probably the world). Businesses, corporations, governments, AND individuals should all be behaving in a socially and environmentally responsible manner. This is in no way "anti-progress". When did you all gain the right to be so selfish, self-centred, and bigoted in your beliefs?
    Absolutely. People act as if this world is expendable. As soon as you mention Greenpeace, morons seem to go on auto-pilot and once they do that you can't stop them.

    Fredo Viola
    Aug 29, 11:14 AM
    it's such a progressive issue, you'd think Apple would be all over it. I mean, AMD is making good marketing use of being energy efficient. It seems smart of them and makes them appear more cutting edge. Certainly Apple would do great to embrace this issue and make their products more eco-friendly. But you think about how the shell of your Mac can't really be reused to house new major computer components (such as mb, etc...). This seems wasteful. Think of all the packaging that is just being wasted. It's actually kind of shameful.

    Bill McEnaney
    Mar 27, 09:47 PM
    Dr. Spitzer is an intelligent, nonreligious psychiatrist who believes that some can change their sexual orientations.

    Apr 28, 04:14 PM
    Yup, and early PCs had bugs too. Keep living in the past . . .

    Living in the past? :confused:

    The Amazon outage was last week and the Playstation network is still down.


    Apr 20, 09:18 PM
    I don't. I just don't have OS/X. I just assumed that OS/X might not have it since some OS/X users here were confused about Windows hiding system files. :)

    So wait, you don't own a Mac or an iDevice but you post here constantly?

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