miércoles, 11 de mayo de 2011

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  • ghostlyorb
    Mar 22, 08:10 PM
    So they finally are matching the iPad's pricing.. too bad they don't offer the same functionality...

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  • kdarling
    Apr 6, 02:14 PM
    That's actually more than I expected.

    Yep, not bad considering it's $800 without contract.

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  • nicroma
    Apr 27, 08:38 AM
    Since I'm neither a criminal nor paranoid, I thought it was kind of cool/interesting too.

    For myself, it was interesting to find that there were many locations that were WAY off. A good majority were up to 100 miles off, just as Apple has said. None of the locations mapped would let anyone pinpoint where my house or work actually are because they were so inaccurate.

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  • facts
    Apr 27, 08:52 AM
    The response from Apple is weak, the words chosen carefully to leave all options open for the future. The announced actions seem to be the right ones.

    Being a convinced apple user i would like to see apple to go ahead and lead the crowd, set the standards for user protection, privacy protection and data protection.

    Android and Windows are not valid options, since they are far worse when it comes to protection in my opinion.

    As the computers get more senses, more needs to be done to provide dependable, transparent, verified protection.

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  • bigandy
    Jul 14, 03:52 PM
    the size and weight of the power supply makes it damn stupid to put in the top.

    top heavy is just idiotic.

    i'd love to see dual optical drive bays and the same basic design as the G5. it's a great design, so why the need for change in the first place... :rolleyes:

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  • barkomatic
    Apr 11, 11:37 AM
    If the iPhone 5 has a bigger screen and 4G connectivity it will be worth it. I can't imagine Apple will release another phone with only 3G with all these Verizon 4G phones coming onto the market.

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  • MacBoobsPro
    Jul 20, 08:34 AM
    It's the future, you know, soon the clock speed will be irrelevant and we'll be expressing processor speed in number of cores octocore, hexacore, tricontradicore, hexacontetracore, hecticosoctocore, and such and such

    You mean its the future today? I thought it was next week! :D

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  • Photo Post. I got another hair

  • Abstract
    Sep 18, 11:40 PM
    Of course they're going to refresh the laptops before the holidays. Duh. :rolleyes:


    I can't believe this would even count as a rumour. It's more an "inevitability."

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  • emotion
    Jul 20, 11:25 AM
    Somehow I doubt that Intel would change thier roadmap for/because of Apple. They are probably one of their smallest customers :P

    For an individual customer Apple are actually quite large. They are also high profile.

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  • BRLawyer
    Aug 6, 02:05 PM
    As Apple applied for the trademark, it will not be approved.

    It is up to Apple how they want to proceed. A fight that can't win, no matter how much money they have.

    Mac Pro has been the premier Mac dealer in the same county as Apple since 1988. Out of all the names for this new line of computers, why choose one that they know they cannot have.

    We are already getting countless support calls for the macbook pro. It seems they assume we made them When we can't help them, they seem to get very upset.

    Mac Pro is in a position to file for a court order not to release any computer that bears our name.

    So get ready WWDC, we will be watching.

    Mike Ajlouny

    Great joke, thanks very much...in the same line as Tiger Computer Dealers, right?

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  • NewSc2
    Sep 19, 02:18 AM
    Does it even MATTER if Apple keeps up? Do we actually WANT Apple to release a new computer every month when Intel bumps up their chips a few megahertz?

    See, it's easy to get lost in the specs war. The Mac Pros came out and I was salivating, even though I have a dual 2.0GHz G5 sitting at home. And then one day, as I was editing some HD footage, it occurred ot me that my G5 here - my now outdated G5 - was editing 1080p high-def footage without so much as a flinch. It was SO fast it was not even necessary at all.

    So I really have to ask - does Apple really need to get into that stupid-ass PC specs war? Is it really hurting you guys that Apple has been slow to update? Are you really doing tasks that the current computer lineup cannot do?

    Hm, well my Powerbook runs barely 4 instances of Sculpture on some of my works. MacBook Pros can run about 15-17, but I've been holding off on the Rev. A because of all the heat issues. Hopefully those get cleared up.

    Anyways -- yes, I think we should expect Apple to update along with everybody else on the PC front. Maybe not every small speed bump, but whenever a newly designed chip comes out.

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  • Bill McEnaney
    Mar 1, 04:17 AM
    Your ignorance is staggering.
    That's strange. I've never seen my ignorance stagger. I've always thought it couldn't walk. ;)

    Seriously, please educate me, neko girl.

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  • Squire
    Jul 15, 06:10 AM
    For what it's worth, Alienware's top-of-the-line ALX series desktops (actually, all of their desktops, I believe) have the power supply at the top, too. I know some will scoff but they are lauded for their gaming performance and they brag about their cooling technology.


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  • Bye Bye Baby
    Jul 21, 03:33 AM
    With all these new technologies with 4, 8 and eventually 24-core capacities (some time in the not too distant future) all running at 64-bit, we musn't forget that software also has tobe developed for these machienes in order to get the most out of the hardware. At the moment we aren't even maximising core-duo, let alone a quad core and all the rest!!!!

    Besides, for 90% of what non-pro users do, these advances will help very little. Internet will still run at the same spead and my ipod will still chug along with USB2 etc.

    Pros with pro apps acn rejoice, only if software keeps the pace!!!

    Let's hope so!!!

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  • mactoday
    Apr 6, 11:08 AM
    eh, I don't see how it's significant for anything other than aesthetic purposes. If you're working in the dark the display itself is going to provide enough illumination as it is. Just seems like a waste.
    Well, I work on my MacBook Pro now in bed and it's a pleasure to type on the back light keyboard. You reduce brightness of the display when you work in the dark conditions, I do. So, it's not enough to see the keys, but I don't much care about it, because I could type without looking on the keys, but most of the Apple customers who buys Air's can't type blind.

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  • Al Coholic
    Mar 26, 10:45 AM
    I think there are two distinct OSX expectations out there:

    1.) The "Let's make it pretty" crowd.

    2.) Those of us that want some useful features.

    ...like resume and versions for me. Mission control looks mildly enticing if I could figure it out.

    I'm looking forward to all the subtle feature changes and additions. Couldn't care less about a facelift. Leave the Fisher-Price toy themes to MS.

    Still not sure what the hell Launcher does differently that can't be achieved with the App folder in the dock but whatever...

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  • xxBURT0Nxx
    Apr 6, 10:31 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I have a 13" ultimate of the current generation. The limiting factor for me is the graphics, not the processor. so going to sandy bridge with the intel 3000 would be a less appealing machine for my uses than the current model. It's really too bad the sandy bridge macs are tied to those garbage integrated graphics.

    only the 13" mbp has integrated graphics, they are not quite as good as the 320m on older models or in the current mba, but they are much better than integrated graphics of the past. All other mbp models come with the integrated graphics as well as a discrete graphics processor.

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  • Do Blondes Have More Fun?

  • RebootD
    Apr 12, 04:49 PM
    The truly sad part about this is going to be when Apple doesn't deliver on our rumored promises.

    I REALLY HOPE that Apple does what that article says, and does it WELL, with no bugs or issues that render the entire system useless, within a price point that's reasonable ($1500 --> $2500 for what's described).

    Otherwise, it's going to make whatever update we do get for FCP moot.

    Well everything outside of no tape capture option. I don't have a professional rig for video so I guess that would mean sticking with CS5. (As in I don't own a capture card, just use FW)

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  • a.gomez
    Mar 22, 01:36 PM
    Samsung redesigned the 10.1 'just like that' did they? Wow, that's going to be one impressive piece of carefully considered and crafted engineering if they poured over it for such an extensive amount of time.... </sarcasm>

    Seriously, either Samsung have pulled something incredible out of the bag or, more likely IMHO, this 'new' 10.1 wont be all that. They're certainly desperate to have a tablet success!

    For a company the size of Samsung? - do not think it was a big deal.

    Nov 28, 11:30 PM
    That Doug Morris is a slimeball. Who's to say I even own any Universal music. I listen to Indie, primarily. I buy all my music, most of it on CD which I digitize, or via the iTunes Music Store. Who is Universal to demand my dollar? Or three for that matter, one for each iPod I have purchased. There are a lot of labels out there. They can't all get a portion. Apple owes them NOTHING. Did they get music from Sony for the Walkman? How many of us listened to mix tapes from friends on those? I know that most of my tapes were mixes from records and CDs. Universal is off base and greedy. Don't let this happen, Mr. Steve Jobs! You're in the right.

    Apr 6, 10:40 AM
    "integrated graphics"... "good enough" LOL... I think I'll keep my current-gen 13" MBA. I didn't buy the world's most expensive netbook for "good enough".

    You are aware the nvidia graphics in your current one are also integrated?

    Apr 27, 08:40 AM
    if any of you are concerned about being tracked - why on earth would you buy any product that has a GPS in it (all computers cash info) and why on earth would you buy a cell phone - the towers know almost exactly when (which apple doesn't know) and where you are? The reaction to this news is stupid.

    I pretty much agree with you, but I can see where others are coming from on this one. Mobile phones and computers are, in this age, a necessity. There's very little point in denying that. Still, people want to maintain their privacy. I think some people thought it was possible to maintain privacy while owning necessary items. You can't expect someone not to buy a computer or phone. That's not a solution. I respect the idea that people enjoy anonymity and I do too. It's nearly impossible in this world, but what little can be done is worth pursuing in my opinion, so people's expectations, while perhaps a bit naive are not absurd.

    Apr 27, 10:49 AM
    And once again people give Apple a pass for something that is clearly an issue.

    If you're a criminal or a paranoid psycho, then yeah . . . it might be an issue. Even then, its rather useless to actually pinpoint someone's location.

    Damn. some of you guys are *really* reaching here.

    Mar 22, 01:00 PM
    I hope these catch on enough that I can actually buy an iPad.

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