martes, 10 de mayo de 2011

Mexican Mafia Graffiti

Mexican Mafia Graffiti. Mexican Mafia Graffiti.
  • Mexican Mafia Graffiti.

  • Dorkington
    Apr 25, 09:29 AM
    Slow driving in the fast lane? I'll be slightly annoyed, but wait for a save moment and pass them on the right. Even if it's "illegal" in some states, those same states have laws against cruising in the left lane. Then again, I rarely drive more than 5-10mph over the speed limit, and tend to cruise in the middle lanes, or wherever there is the most room around me. I don't see how getting to where I'm going 5 minutes faster is a big enough deal for me to get angry, or endanger myself or others.

    Mexican Mafia Graffiti. As with the mafia,
  • As with the mafia,

  • zwida
    Sep 10, 08:53 AM
    Well, Steve had to hold SOMETHING back to announce on the 12th. I don't think he wants a repeat of the iPod HiFi/leather case announcement, where people were saying, "Is that all?". I figure it has to either be updated laptops or AidenShaw's minitower. Well, in a few more days, we'll all know.

    Don't you think the new movie store and sexy new iPods are enough? I guess there might be some kind of new product launch (phone, or streaming movie device, or whatever), but I'll be surprised if there's any Mac hardware bumps of any kind during this speech. It just wouldn't mesh with the "It's Showtime" theme.

    Mexican Mafia Graffiti. with the Mexican Mafia.
  • with the Mexican Mafia.

  • blackburn
    Apr 19, 07:32 AM
    Should be studying in law school instead of engineering. No innovative products but loads of cash to be made:D Lawsuits everywhere.

    Mexican Mafia Graffiti. Click Mexican Mafia above to
  • Click Mexican Mafia above to

  • digitalbiker
    Aug 23, 06:45 PM
    Not really. Creative was going broke.

    Who says Creative was going broke?

    They have been around a long time and seem to be doing better than ever. They have a pretty extensive and diverse product line and they supply many of the OEM computer manufacturers with products.

    I thought that their patent claim was pretty lame. But the US patent office seems to be giving companies patents on anything these days.

    Apple is a pretty litigation happy company themslves so I guess this is just another line item on the Apple corporate lawyer expense account.

    Mexican Mafia Graffiti. ties to the Mexican Mafia,
  • ties to the Mexican Mafia,

  • Warbrain
    Sep 26, 08:27 AM
    i`d once bought an unlocked T-Mobile Sony T610 in India and it worked absolutely fine with all the GSM providers I tried. So in case even if this iPhone is exclusive to Cingular we`d still be able to get it to work here(fingers crossed).

    I'm willing to bet that Apple won't use the same techniques as other cell phone manufacturers use to lock their devices as the OS will be developed by Apple. It'll be much like the Sidekick, which is locked to T-Mobile in such a manner that it's a pain in the ass to unlock it and even then a lot of the features are crippled since they won't work on any other network.

    Mexican Mafia Graffiti. Graffiti
  • Graffiti

  • davey-nb
    Sep 15, 06:11 PM
    the ipod wasn't a ground up design either.

    now admittedly, it was apple, jobs and ives' that took a good idea and refined it to being the great product introduced in '03, but the ipod was an interesting break from apple's NIH syndrome. so much so that i question the TS report about apple going for a ground up design.

    ...I think you'll find.

    Yes, check Wiki...

    Mexican Mafia Graffiti. Life in the Mexican Mafia.
  • Life in the Mexican Mafia.

  • whyrichard
    Aug 28, 12:49 PM

    I was thinking of buying an intel core solo and dropping in a processor that is the best i can get for it to use it as a rendering machine.....

    .... should i bother waiting for the new mac mini's or should i go ahead and buy a cheapo core solo? especially since they would be sold for much less.....


    Mexican Mafia Graffiti. Gang Graffiti--Links and Notes
  • Gang Graffiti--Links and Notes

  • wazgilbert
    Apr 28, 04:58 PM
    Please don't fight gentleman...

    I really thought all the CCE CFCC AACE PMP PMI ZGFHABZZZ letters where a joke... What does it all meeeeeeannn?? :eek: :eek:

    Yes it's all willy-waving, which was in fact my point.

    and to Mr Winters - you haven't met me before, that comment you refer to isn't one of mine. Also it's wise to be careful who you try to belittle with 'boy' references, you have no idea who I am or how experienced or qualified I am compared to you.

    As ever, if you're new here, don't try to impress (or troll) by waving experience or qualification around to justify your opinion. We all know MS isn't dead when making 5.23 BILLION profits, hell, we all know that businesses do not ever need to make a profit. To stay in business, all one has to do is make "black zero"; as after all, pay all your costs, offset against depreciation and secure investment and then what do you need profit for? to pay the taxman? no fun there - usually it's to keep shareholders happy, end of.

    Mexican Mafia Graffiti. Influence of Mexican Mafia
  • Influence of Mexican Mafia

  • Peace
    Aug 28, 09:57 PM
    Will an Apple Retail store upgrade your cpu? What's the cost to have this done without a warranty void?

    The Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 Conroe 1066MHz will work in an imac intel? newegg sells them for $369

    Core 2 Duo Extreme runs at 2.93GHz

    Think you'd need a new logic board for that.The current Intel iMac's have a 667MHz FSB.The E6600 has a 1066MHz FSB.Compatability problems there.

    Mexican Mafia Graffiti. Surenos Signs Graffiti
  • Surenos Signs Graffiti

  • Lynxpoint
    Sep 14, 02:54 PM
    aperture update aside, what do the "pro photographers" on here see as something missing in their workflow or that could critically change their workflow?

    I like the sound of a monitor that self colour corrects, for example.

    Mexican Mafia Graffiti. Mexican Mafia. MS graffiti
  • Mexican Mafia. MS graffiti

  • j-traxx
    Apr 11, 11:27 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    The marantz one is, you have to pay $40 to uPgrade firmware to get AirPlay working at all. At least you did with early versions, not sure about current versions, AirPlay may work without upgrade with those.

    if you have marantz speakers...... you have 40 dollars.

    Mexican Mafia Graffiti. of mexican mafia Jan
  • of mexican mafia Jan

  • Calidude
    Mar 23, 06:10 PM
    Lets leave these apps alone and put the Senators in jail.

    Mexican Mafia Graffiti. graffiti mafia gangsta
  • graffiti mafia gangsta

  • revfife
    Sep 12, 02:33 PM
    The headphones look different on the specs page, new earbuds mayhaps?

    Yeah, Steve said something about a new design on the standard Apple headphones

    Mexican Mafia Graffiti. the Mexican Dope Warning
  • the Mexican Dope Warning

  • theahnman
    Aug 23, 11:55 PM
    Seriously, all... this is much better than the alternative. I.e. Apple having to completely re-engineer or stop selling the iPod. $100 million is chump change. Stock market is highly reactionary and irrational. It should all smooth out in the next couple days.

    Mexican Mafia Graffiti. called the Mexican Mafia,
  • called the Mexican Mafia,

  • syklee26
    Sep 12, 03:48 PM
    sorry about digressing but what da heck happened to education pricing for iPods?

    Mexican Mafia Graffiti. from the Mexican Mafia.
  • from the Mexican Mafia.

  • thegman1234
    Jan 3, 12:26 AM
    Ummm.... Didn't most of the early iOS jail breaking methods target holes in OS. Sure more grey hat than black hat but risk is there to be aware of regardless of platform.

    That may be true, but the monitoring of the app store does decrease the chance of malicious apps making their way onto the device. Is it perfect? No. Is it safer than Android? Yes.

    Mexican Mafia Graffiti. mexican mafia leaders
  • mexican mafia leaders

  • wazgilbert
    Apr 28, 04:58 PM
    Please don't fight gentleman...

    I really thought all the CCE CFCC AACE PMP PMI ZGFHABZZZ letters where a joke... What does it all meeeeeeannn?? :eek: :eek:

    Yes it's all willy-waving, which was in fact my point.

    and to Mr Winters - you haven't met me before, that comment you refer to isn't one of mine. Also it's wise to be careful who you try to belittle with 'boy' references, you have no idea who I am or how experienced or qualified I am compared to you.

    As ever, if you're new here, don't try to impress (or troll) by waving experience or qualification around to justify your opinion. We all know MS isn't dead when making 5.23 BILLION profits, hell, we all know that businesses do not ever need to make a profit. To stay in business, all one has to do is make "black zero"; as after all, pay all your costs, offset against depreciation and secure investment and then what do you need profit for? to pay the taxman? no fun there - usually it's to keep shareholders happy, end of.

    Mexican Mafia Graffiti. Italian and Mexican Mafia
  • Italian and Mexican Mafia

  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 4, 11:47 AM
    I doubt they leave large amounts of cash in the stores over night.

    I agree. Most sales in Apple stores are likely done without cash anyway.

    Mexican Mafia Graffiti. for the Mexican Mafia#39;s
  • for the Mexican Mafia#39;s

  • Spanky Deluxe
    May 3, 10:32 AM
    Wow, the dual screen output is what could some day push me over the edge. A 27" display + 2 27" Apple screens either side sounds pretty nice. Still not enough to make me part with my 30" ACD right now though.

    Sep 26, 11:18 AM
    O2 has nothing to do with Orange. They're completely seperate companies with different parent companies. I believe Orange are owned by France telecom, where as O2 are owned by Telefonica.


    Correct. My ex-colleagues are learning Spanish! :D

    Mar 16, 11:31 AM
    OS X Server ships with clamav for filtering viruses through the email server. Lion merges client and server. Therefore, there will be an antivirus program shipping with 10.7.
    That does not in any way imply that it is necessary for the OS. Since the server can have Windows clients many businesses will like this "feature" so I can't blame Apple for including it.

    Personally, I figure that if I pass an infected file on to a PC user it's their responsibility to detect and remove the virus, not mine. I didn't force them to buy a Windows box.

    Mar 30, 01:23 PM
    Thats a pretty good point. But After some research I found they trademarked the phrase "THE Container store" not Container Store.

    As posted above, "RoomStore" is trademarked, however.

    Dont Hurt Me
    Sep 4, 03:30 PM
    Business channel has had a lot of talk about a Apple Pod video phone but I would rather see a Cube redo. How about Cube squared.

    Sep 10, 06:49 PM
    Face it the Conroe Mac is coming.

    iMac 24" - $1999

    Mac Pro (downgraded to 2.0 Ghz) + 23" - 3198

    That is a $1k price gap.

    A high quality midtower would fit perfectly. They have another chip to differentiate the product matrix. It is coming!

    Mac Mini - Core Duo (yonah) - base entry machine. 2 RAM slots
    iMac - Core 2 Duo (Merom) - All in one basic to prosumer models, quiet operation and powerful. 2 RAM Slots
    "Mac" - Core 2 Duo (Conroe) - mini tower 1 optical, 2 drives, 2 PCIe, 4 RAM Slots - prosumer to low end workstation.
    Mac Pro - Xeon (Woodcrest) - Full tower 2 processors, 8 RAM slots, 4 PCIe, 2 optical, 4 drive bays. - Mid to high end workstation.

    Face it Apple left the biggest gap between the iMac and the Pro machine ever! There was no crippled tower to span the distance between the two. Apple wants to expand market share. They have a power processor that will not step on the toes of the machine above or below. Why wouldn't they use it. Before all the desktops ran the G5. It was difficult to provide product differentiation without gobbling sales up internally. Here the highest end Conroe cannot match the lowest end dual Woodcrest at highly threaded apps. This is a win-win situation. It will either come out on Tuesday or another special event in early october.

    It will be headless and upgradable to attract the Windows gamers. They already have monitors, keyboards and mice. A little BootCamp goes a long way.

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