martes, 10 de mayo de 2011

Lesane Parish Crooks

Lesane Parish Crooks. de Lesane Parish Crooks le
  • de Lesane Parish Crooks le

  • Gatorman
    Sep 10, 12:11 PM
    You know, thinking about this right now, it makes sense that they could possibly release the Merom MBP at this event. Apple could use the pitch:

    "Bored? Feel like watching a movie? Forgot to pack your favorite DVD from home? NO PROBLEM! Now you can use your new MBP and an internet connection to watch your movie anytime and anywhere from the new iTunes movie store! From planes, to hotels, to the long boring seminars, where you sit in the back, as long as you can get connected, it's showtime!"

    And that would be a great opportunity to introduce the new line. Granted, you can do all of that with the current stuff now, but I'm just being optimistic. :D

    Lesane Parish Crooks. “Lesane Parish Crooks”)
  • “Lesane Parish Crooks”)

  • MacRumors
    Apr 30, 01:08 PM (

    Lesane Parish Crooks. Lesane Parish Crooks,
  • Lesane Parish Crooks,

  • MagnusVonMagnum
    Mar 20, 02:53 PM
    Let's re-read them together, shall we?

    Those are two different arguments of the same coin and one can infer a lot by the attitude of what is said. Besides, I notice you didn't quote anything by cwt1nospam as I mentioned (given his direct flaming nature, I don't blame you since it proves what I said).

    Again, this problem only exists in pirated software or software from less-than reputable sources. As has been said many times, you can avoid trojans by being careful where you get software and what software you install. No antivirus is necessary to protect against trojans; only some common sense and prudent thinking on the part of the user.

    It's been said you can avoid STDs by being careful as well. It's no substitute for protection, IMO. You can't undo what's been done sometimes.

    Really, I'm sick of this thread. You're turning mountains into mole hills here all just to defend the status-quo while all I originally said is that the "it can't happen to me" attitude most Mac users have towards all forms of malware is a definite weak spot. No one is saying OSX hasn't been a great place to avoid the problems of malware. It's one of the reasons I continue to keep OSX machines around despite my distaste for Apple as a greedy company and their pathetic lack of hardware options and high prices. That doesn't mean I stop being careful when using it. Something like Web of Trust for Firefox isn't a bad idea regardless. Visiting sites that do harm to Windows machines isn't a great place to be no matter what OS you're using and I'm going to leave it that.

    Lesane Parish Crooks. lesane parish crooks,
  • lesane parish crooks,

  • Evangelion
    Aug 29, 04:35 AM
    Going public has other dimensions. There's more to business than the consumer and executive/investor ends. Going public allows people to force coporations to act in outside interests, otherwise it's just a private tyranny.

    You make it sound like companies have an obligation of going public. And what you may say MIGHT be true, you are also forgetting that most of the crummy companies in existence are public. Enron was public, Microsoft is public, Exxon is public, Chiquita is public. The list goes on. And you are forgetting that while in theory investors might force changes in the company, usually they don't. Only time they force changes are when the company is not delivering "enough" ROI for the investors. Investors are the primary reason why we have "quarter-capitalism", where long-term benefits are sacrificed for short-term profits.

    Lesane Parish Crooks. prenom:lesane parish crooks
  • prenom:lesane parish crooks

  • Anonymous Freak
    Sep 19, 10:33 PM
    I wonder if these people are buying one to "test it out" or are buying multiple movies.

    Well, I bought one "to test it out" (as I've done with each iT[nee M]S intro.)

    But I also bought a couple TV shows that I had wanted before, but didn't want at 320x240. The 640x480 version of the Babylon 5 Pilot looks just as good as my DVD copy. (And it's nice, because it's the as-originally-aired version, not the TNT give-plot-away-early edit.) The CG looks a little worse, but that's because it was worse. (They re-did some of the CG for the TNT version.)

    Lesane Parish Crooks. Lesane Parish Crooks
  • Lesane Parish Crooks

  • glis
    Apr 25, 02:04 PM
    The new Macbook Pro will be released in October/November 2011.

    Lesane Parish Crooks. Lesane Parish Crooks
  • Lesane Parish Crooks

  • HecubusPro
    Sep 17, 11:05 PM
    O no! Our cell phone technology is behind that of Europe's, where the small, congested spaces make it easier to unveil new cell technologies! The horror...

    Agreed. The U.S. is pretty much behind everyone else as far as cell phone technology goes. Do I care? No. My cell phone takes and gives calls. Who cares if it can take 30MP photos and watch steaming TV and movies and play Crysis at 120fps and pay my bills and rob convenient stores and solve world hunger? When I get a new cell phone and the salesman starts running off at the mouth at how cool it is and all the groovy things it does, I stop him and ask, "can I call people on it?" If the answer is yes, then I'm happy. :D

    Lesane Parish Crooks. Lesane Parish Crooks (2pac)
  • Lesane Parish Crooks (2pac)

  • arn
    Apr 11, 01:59 AM
    They'll change the key and force a firmware update on any airport express user who wants to update itunes.

    Are the 3rd party AirPlay speakers firmware upgradable?

    That will break compatibility with those speakers.


    Lesane Parish Crooks. Lesane Parish Crooks (2pac)
  • Lesane Parish Crooks (2pac)

  • Satori
    Apr 22, 01:37 AM
    I really hope this happens but I have a feeling that it will be hobbled in some way. If it runs from an iTunes master copy of songs then it might preclude people uploading music that has been ripped from CDs or bought somewhere else (like Amazon).

    Lesane Parish Crooks. Lesame Parish Crooks - Free people check with news, pictures amp; links -
  • Lesame Parish Crooks - Free people check with news, pictures amp; links -

  • mac jones
    Apr 4, 12:18 PM
    The report says 40 shots were fired so the perps were armed and this is the whole point. The guard has a set (and is a good shot it seems).

    If you go to do a crime armed, you should die.

    Kudos guard.

    Lesane Parish Crooks. Lesane Parish Crooks
  • Lesane Parish Crooks

  • infidel69
    Apr 19, 11:51 AM
    Apple keeps burning bridges and eventually it's going to come back to bite them in the ass. Samsung is holding all the cards here. Apple needs Samsung but Samsung doesn't need Apple. I wouldn't be surprised if Sammy has some unexpected production issues with ipad parts here shortly.

    Lesane Parish Crooks. nom Lesane Parish Crooks,
  • nom Lesane Parish Crooks,

  • gloss
    Sep 14, 07:08 AM
    Maybe the reason for not having a traditional keypad is that this is actually the iPhone Shuffle.

    Apple's market research team has concluded that people get tired of talking to the same people all time. And since the iPod Shuffle is such a hit playing songs randomly,
    the new iPhone Shuffle will randomly dial numbers, so every call you make is never boring.

    Got more than 240 numbers in your adressbook? No problem. Let iTunes autofill your iPhone shuffle and get a new telephonic experience every time. Mom follows Work. Home follows Pizza Parlor. iPhone shuffle loves to improvise. Take the Shuffle switch, for instance. Even if you�ve synced a particular call-list, you can shuffle numbers with a flick.

    This was great.

    Lesane Parish Crooks. Lesane Parish Crooks; 16 июня
  • Lesane Parish Crooks; 16 июня

  • Vegasman
    Mar 30, 01:29 PM
    It looks descriptive to you because there is an App Store for your Mac and there is an App Store for the iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad. If Apple hadn't invented the term "App Store" and used it for its super successful site, you would never have heard the term, and you wouldn't know what it means.

    Uh!? Anytime someone tells me there is a YYYY store, my first reaction is that it is a store that sells YYYY's. It is no different with an app store.

    What would one buy at a record store?
    What would one buy at a grocery store?
    What would one buy at a paint store?
    What would one buy at an app store?

    Lesane Parish Crooks. Lesane Parish Crooks hiess
  • Lesane Parish Crooks hiess

  • Full of Win
    Apr 25, 01:01 PM
    Nice. My 17 MBP (Early 2009) will be getting close to the end of its life cycle by then, allowing me to easily slide into a new MBP.

    Lesane Parish Crooks. Tupac Amaru Shakur(Lesane
  • Tupac Amaru Shakur(Lesane

  • MartiNZ
    May 4, 05:59 AM
    I think it serves the same (cynical) purpose in both cases - it makes one go for the top-end as the lower ones seem so gimped by comparison. I only just realised the 15" MBP starts at only 256MB discrete GPU. Mine from early 2008 has 512MB, why has the increase been so slow?

    Of course mine from early 2008 also has a known faulty GPU that is still warranty covered for the logic board for another year ... but that's another story.

    Lesane Parish Crooks. Lesane Parish Crooks; 16 июня
  • Lesane Parish Crooks; 16 июня

  • eye
    Mar 23, 04:49 PM
    You should tell that to my son. Oh wait, you can't, he was murdered someone like you.

    Always one in a bunch who brings up a personal experience to shock people into shutting up. My sister was eaten by a hyena. No hyena jokes please.

    Lesane Parish Crooks. Lesane Parish Crooks (2pac)
  • Lesane Parish Crooks (2pac)

  • drzeus
    Sep 5, 02:29 PM
    I'm not sure that this is an entirely novel thought, but I thought I would test my psychic abilities a little.

    The mac mini seems like the target for movies here, not iPods. There's a lot of talk about Airport express and how that might be the killer hardware, but there's more to it than that. Apple is competing against rental stores and netflix to watch movies. No one is just going to want to watch movies on an iPod, they are going to want it on they're TV. So why not have a network box that saves and plays the movies that is attatched to your TV? The mini is already positioned to do exactly that. No keyboard or monitor, maybe just a remote to run Front Row.

    Download the movie to the mini, watch it on TV at your convenience. Mac video on demand. Start doing that with TV shows and all of a sudden, Tivo has got a serious contender, too.

    The hard bit will be having full-quality movies sent to your home, VOD style.

    The new iPod is a phone. There may be a video ipod, but I doubt that it's a main target for the movies.

    I have this wonderful feeling that it'll be even cooler than this, but this is what I am expecting.

    Dr. Z.

    Lesane Parish Crooks. Lesane Parish Crooks (2pac)
  • Lesane Parish Crooks (2pac)

  • daneoni
    Apr 22, 01:33 PM
    Again, why bother unless they will include a coupon for a free OS upgrade when Lion comes out in a couple of months?

    Option. Lion WILL be buggy and if i'm doing critical work i want a tried and tested OS with the option of updating to the newer OS once it less buggy. Buying a new computer with Lion as default means you can't go back to Snow Leopard...ever.

    Lesane Parish Crooks. Today in remembrance we
  • Today in remembrance we

  • G5Unit
    Sep 4, 08:00 PM
    WO0t! PowerBook G5 tuesday after next!

    Sep 19, 03:07 PM
    Probably not quite as long as you might think. Less than 3x longer for 720p or 1080i, <6x longer for 1080p.


    but his download time was 6 hours... so 3X would be, well... a long time.

    Oct 27, 07:57 AM
    Apple are trying to improve, which is a Good Thing.

    However, bad publicity involving non Green companies is always a good thing. Shame companies into making their products 'greener' - which effectively what happened to Apple.

    One World. We aren't getting off this rock any time soon.

    Sep 9, 04:40 PM
    Isn't that the same thing as assigning priorities to processes in OS X? Terminal or Developer Tools already do that, as well as several freeware apps...I believe Multimedia wants something a bit simpler then that though.

    Oh and explanation/links for those tools/freeware?

    Mar 22, 04:04 PM
    So stoked! Aside from the iPad 2, this is what I've been saving up for for the past year. My 24'' from 2007 is still running strong but I'm hoping to have something that will for sure run Diablo III smoothly when it eventually drops.

    Apr 25, 12:36 AM
    I am with you. When I read post like this it proves to me that 16 is to young at times. I know the stupid crap I pulled when I was 16 in a car and I got some lucky breaks and still had a 400 buck repair bill for my car and 400 bucks was be getting damn luck that I did not do more damage.

    I also remember thinking I was a great driver as well. Looking back damn was I wrong. I was a very crappy driver.
    His post has multiple things that shows that he is a bad driver and beyond the legal issues of doing 20 over he clearly does not know how to speed. The lady should never of had to make a quick maneuver to get out of his way.

    As for motorcycle I learned long ago to give them a wide birth because I know they have enough jack ass to tail gate them. I will rather give them plenty of room allowing myself extra reaction time as I know they can stop faster than I can and they do not have a metal body protecting them like I do.
    Here in New Zealand the age for driving is 15, but they've upped it to 16 and are thinking of putting it up to 17 because of drivers like the OP.

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