miércoles, 11 de mayo de 2011

bar code image

bar code image. arcode in length, Code 3
  • arcode in length, Code 3

  • maclaptop
    Apr 11, 05:42 PM
    Do you really think they care? Even if they make a phone that doesn't make calls people will think it's the greatest innovation in the history of mankind.
    This is so true it's sickening.

    The number one function I'd like to see in the upcoming model is a phone that works as well as every other smartphone I own. Then I'd be able to rely on it, and promote it to my primary phone. Id like nothing better.

    bar code image. 1 Barcode larger image
  • 1 Barcode larger image

  • netdog
    Aug 11, 03:03 PM
    As an example: Here in europe we have vendors that sell cellphones where you can pick which carrier you want and pay different prices for the phone dependent on what carrier and type of contract you pick. However, you can also buy the buy the phone without a contract (unlocked)

    The market for unlocked phones in the USA is still very small. Providers will generally not unlock them, and there aren't shops on the street who will unlock phones as there are here in Europe.

    When you go abroad with an American phone, you are usually limited to the service that your provider offers (through a carrier here) and you cannot just pop in another sim. This is very expensive because they know that they are holding you hostage. The first place that I would head with a new phone when I was visiting London was Tottenham Court, so that I could get the phone unlocked and pop in my local pay-as-you-talk sim.

    Unlike the big network independent vendors here in Europe, usually in the USA, such vendors still only sell phones locked to various networks, and bundle in the calling plans which the shop receives a reward for. As I am sure you understand, these phones are offered with deep discounts subsidized as part of each network's customer aquisition costs, just as they are offered for free or at a reduced cost here. Unlocked phones do cost considerably more, and it is often best to buy a pay-as-you-go locked phone in Europe, and have someone unlock it for you for £10.

    This is changing, but most Americans I know who have gotten their American-bought phones unlocked have mailed them away to vendors they have found on places like eBay.

    The USA is a very different market.

    bar code image. UPC ar codes were instituted
  • UPC ar codes were instituted

  • bradc
    Jul 27, 11:19 AM
    "...Core 2 Duo chips need less electricity, drawing just 65 watts compared to the Pentium 4�s 95 watts and Pentium D�s 130 watts"

    Good Lord - does anybody know what the G5 is? I'd imagine that the elaborate cooling system in the current G5 towers probably won't be needed it it's running anything like the D's...

    Don't ask! Hahahaha, the G5's run hot, I'd hate to know how much they're sucking but with a 600W power supply...it's a lot;)

    bar code image. Socket Mobile Launches Barcode
  • Socket Mobile Launches Barcode

  • AZREOSpecialist
    Apr 11, 12:16 PM
    80%* of potential purchasers won't have access to LTE for at least another year from then. Given that 3G was added only after it was widely available, why would Apple take such a risk with the huge numbers of June/July iPhone users coming to the end of their contracts for such a minority market?

    [*made up statistic, but I bet it's not far wrong! :D ]

    Because this isn't the same market when Apple first introduced the iPhone and then, later, the 3G version. There is a lot more competition now and intense pressure on Apple to stay ahead of the curve. That absolutely means getting the newest, bleeding edge technology into the iPhone before the competition.

    bar code image. BarCode
  • BarCode

  • asiayeah
    Aug 25, 09:21 PM
    When I read a lot of posts where people complain about Apple service, it seems that it is offten from non-US. Is this my imagination or does Apple need to kick the Arse of their international support groups?

    I am sure the customer support is not good in non-US.

    Unfortunately Apple is not maintainly a high quality of customer support service throughout the world. It seems Apple is neglecting the areas which is growing fast. This will certainly hinder the growth of Mac OS market share.

    bar code image. software to create arcode
  • software to create arcode

  • netdog
    Aug 11, 10:52 AM
    I wonder if it's going to be a toy or a real phone. I'm hoping it's more of a smartphone than a ngage phone. (i know they couldn't make a phone that bad if they tried, just tryint to get a point out there.)

    It seems to me that there may be two phones coming here. I wouldn't be surprised if one has a full keyboard, either on touchscreen or using conventional buttons, and one is simpler.

    bar code image. Bar code
  • Bar code

  • DisMyMac
    Apr 5, 07:11 PM
    Is there any hope for good subtitle support? OCR, etc.?

    bar code image. Your Healey Library arcode
  • Your Healey Library arcode

  • AppleKrate
    Sep 19, 11:14 AM
    - 2 CPU cores compared to 1 CPU core
    - Radically greater FSB bandwidth
    - PC2-5300 DDR2 memory compared to PC2-4200 DDR2
    - PCIe 16x for graphics controller compared to AGP 8x
    - Improved graphics controller with more VRAM
    - Dedicated 1.5 Gbps SATA for hard disk compared to UATA-100
    - ExpressCard/34 (has PCIe 1x and USB 2.0) compared to CardBus
    - MagSafe power connector
    - Built-in iSight camera
    - etc.

    ok, thanks :o
    ps I want more :D

    bar code image. SmartVizor Barcode Label
  • SmartVizor Barcode Label

  • Chip NoVaMac
    Apr 7, 11:48 PM
    You might want to look at Best Buy's pricing again.

    All iPads, iPods and Macs are sold $.99 (at minimum) above Apple.

    Time Capsule 1TB $334.99 at Best Buy, $299.00 at Apple
    2TB $499.99, $499.00 at Apple

    Airport Extreme - $189.99 at Best Buy $179.00 at Apple
    Express, $109.99 at Best Buy, $99.00 at Apple

    The small accessories are just as bad. And Apple isn't the only brand they mark over MSRP too. I wouldn't be surprised is Bose products were too.

    Noticed this as well on some items I have looked at BB.... they seem to be counting on the uneducated consumer of late. Working retail, I hate it when folks whip out their cellphones to do a barcode search (at least at the shop I work at we are competitive most of the time) - but at BB I do it all the time now... no reason to pay more than the retail price for something to make shareholders happy....

    bar code image. 666 in the arcode and the
  • 666 in the arcode and the

  • illegalprelude
    Aug 25, 03:15 PM
    Call it what you want but these new MacBooks are crap. Yea there is people who are enjoying theirs without a hitch but look at all the reports of problems. Not once on this forum have we had a flood of problems with a single unit. Apple dropped the ball on this one. Poorly made unit

    bar code image. Click to see the UPC Bar Code
  • Click to see the UPC Bar Code

  • benthewraith
    Nov 28, 07:42 PM
    Many years ago a media levy was passed in the United States that applies a "tax" to "consumer digital audio" media (CD-R blanks, DAT, etc.) with the proceeds going to music industry/artists. The justification was to offset losses due to illegal copying of music in digital form (generational loseless copies). This to date hasn't been expanded to include devices like the iPod (at least I don't recall that taking place).

    Which makes no sense. If they get compensated by blank CD/DVD sales to offset the money loss from pirating, then why the hell are they suing consumers for P2P?

    Actually, I suspected Universal was going to do the same with the iPod, regardless of whether the Zune debuted or not. They obviously can manipulate Microsoft, they'll try and do the same with Apple.

    And lets not forget, these are the same people who wish they could sue people for ripping their cds (and burning them again so as to do away with all the DRM **** they put on them).

    As to why their music sales have been dropping, if half the songs on the market weren't about pimps and beating hos', probably a lot more people would buy it.

    bar code image. Code 128 Bar code
  • Code 128 Bar code

  • sjo
    Aug 11, 03:55 PM
    No, not EVERYONE. I own 4 cell phones. By your logic, I would be counted as 4 people.

    Only if you have an active subscribtion on all of them. That's the number the graph behind the link shows.

    BTW, DoCoMo has over 50m subscribers, almost as much as CDMA in the US. And they are much more keen to renew their mobiles in Japan so Apple might make a smart move by making the iPhone available for DoCoMo subscribers before CDMA subscribers.

    bar code image. Our DataMatrix Bar code
  • Our DataMatrix Bar code

  • Carlson-online
    Jul 20, 11:47 AM
    I remember hearing about how it is possible to make multiple cores act like one (Idon't remember where I heard this). Anyways, whether 8 cores acting separately or together like 1 big processor has an advantage depends on the program you use. If the program is multi-threaded, then the cores acting separately might have the advantage while single threaded apps will have an advantage if the cores are acting like one. However, many apps today won't see that much improvement either way (like a simple calculator, or solitare and word processing).

    yes, its known as reverse hyper threading. AMD are working on it

    bar code image. If your Barcode Reader Beeps.
  • If your Barcode Reader Beeps.

  • zelet
    Aug 25, 04:02 PM
    Another person who can never be satisfied.:rolleyes:

    Are you telling me somebody who spent thousands of dollars on "premium" hardware doesn't have a right to be pissed when both systems he bought were DOA? That is stupid! Apple should have kissed his ass and gave him a new computer after the second major repair. He was nicer than I would have ever been. I would have gone to the Apple store and caused a HUGE scene in the middle of a busy Saturday about it.

    Apple computers are expensive. They are worth it when they work (and they usually do) but when Apple makes a mistake they should correct it better than anybody.

    bar code image. Monterey Barcode Creator
  • Monterey Barcode Creator

  • LagunaSol
    Apr 12, 11:33 PM
    I personally wouldn't recommend people buy a subsidized phone, but people are price sensitive. YMMV. :(

    You're going to be paying for a data plan anyway, so why not make some of that money back in a subsidy?

    bar code image. automatic Pdf417 ar code
  • automatic Pdf417 ar code

  • Blue Velvet
    Mar 22, 10:21 AM
    I was stewing about this

    Honestly, don't bother. You think facts count for anything? One simple pointed observation about Ronald Reagan was enough to stop the flow of nonsense in its tracks. Congress hasn't declared war since the mid-1940s... funny how that's so important all of a sudden now.

    As for the ill-advised juvenile rant about liberals and 'their' first black president, I think it's far better that sort of comment is left intact for others to read. The full workings of the conservative id are plain to see.

    bar code image. only the Code 39 arcode
  • only the Code 39 arcode

  • Rodimus Prime
    Feb 28, 09:12 PM
    Very sorry.
    I have dyslexia, so I read sentences in my head, not words. When the words fit, my brain just makes that model of what it thinks the text said.
    Sorry for getting mad. :o

    I have dyslexia as well. Word of advise. When ever something gets you all mad like that always and I repeat ALWAYS re read it a few times before posting. I have caught myself a few times. Not that it always works.

    I was about to say something but saw another posted did.

    what it does show is that the brain is wired a certain way. I personally believe homosexallity is both a choice and genetic.

    We all fall on a scale that goes from complete homosexaul to straight. Now majority of people are much closer to the straight side and all clustered over there. Then people who are spread out across the all the way to the other end. I do not know how many fall in the bi range compared to complete homosexual cluster.

    What this means is some people are much more predisposed to be homosexual than others.
    I will repeat there is nothing wrong with it and I have said before they should have the right be married. We have little control over who we are attracted to. We can over ride it somewhat but only to a point. Mostly it feel we take the predisposition and induld it and we go that way.

    bar code image. Bar Code Barcode Ean Bookland
  • Bar Code Barcode Ean Bookland

  • Reach9
    Mar 22, 03:12 PM
    Someone give Android's UI and Playbook's UI huge recognition so Apple will change it's old grid-like UI.

    bar code image. Code 128 Upc Shipping
  • Code 128 Upc Shipping

  • krcbkidz
    Mar 22, 05:10 PM
    The difference is Samsung outsources it's OS development, it's developer community management, it's app ecosystem.

    Cost competitive doesn't experience competitive.

    I think for 'spec' people (hard core coders, corp types that need to control configuration), Samsung (and more importantly, when HP gets in the game HP), will compete there.... HOWEVER, this is a consumer run market, and much like a Sony WalkMan back in the day, or RollerBlades([tm]... the rest were 'inline skates'), Apple is 'defining' the market... and the rest are just knockoffs.

    And unlike the old BMW pricing explanation(excuse) for Macs (equal specs and quality... from Apple HP and Dell are about the same in price) Apple is pushing iPad's experience at the BMW levels, but at Honda prices.

    And RIM and samsung are pushing mid 80's GM quality against a 2012 BMW at honda prices, when the market will probably demand Kia prices for the 'experience'

    Likes this :-)

    Apr 27, 08:58 AM
    correct. wasn't sure how long it would take for people in general to get up in arms about location privacy on the idevices... what did people think was going to happen??

    such it is, our electronic tethers are really leashes.

    It's not very accurate information apparently. I would like to know just how accurate this location tracking is before I get too excited.

    Apr 25, 02:35 PM
    Strange but using the downloaded software my 3Gs running the latest iOS doesn't show very many of the places I've been. I drove 400 miles this weekend using the 3Gs for navigation and a photo. Even that trip doesn't show. All I can see is a bunch of evenly-spaced dots in my area.

    Apr 20, 12:15 PM
    Not at all. I'm only showing where Apple has done what they don't like being done to them. Only a die hard defends them at all cost.
    No, only an irrational person defends them at all cost. A die hard is one who puts up with occasional mistakes in the products.

    Did threads just get merged again? Because the last dozen posts are complete rehashes of earlier posts.

    Machead III
    Sep 19, 03:50 AM
    It would be fantastic for the MacBook to have the Core 2 Duo, (MacBookPro is a given), the fact is, Apple needs to do this update to stay in the same ballpark as the pc notebook makers.

    Now if they could just give the MacBook a real graphics card, I'd be a taker.

    Randy at MacSeven.com (http://www.MacSeven.com)

    The fact that we all want dedicated graphics and it's a no-brainer to add it, means that it won't happen.

    Dec 7, 04:47 PM
    I got an 03 Lotus Elise :rolleyes:

    Its a nice car, i just have no use for it. Idk if there are Lotus-only races later on so i didnt sell it yet.

    I noticed in my garage that theres an option for sharing cars online. I havent read the GT5 manual so i have no idea what it does, but i assume it would allow my PSN friends to drive my cars if i'm not using them. I shared my Citroen, if someone is logged on later check the Online tab of your garage and see if its there. Just dont put too many miles on it ;)

    Keep that Lotus, you can use it for the British Lightweight race.

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