harry potter and the deathly hallows movie cover

noire anqa
Mar 26, 07:37 AM
Please release OS X Lion on a cool Apple flash drive :cool:
Really don't want another DVD, my shelf is full!
Tell me about it, down with optical media already.
Really don't want another DVD, my shelf is full!
Tell me about it, down with optical media already.

Nov 17, 08:49 AM
Sure hope this game finally decides to come out on the 24th, i'm ready to play this sucker all day thanksgiving.

Jul 14, 04:54 PM
ONLY DDR2-667?!? :confused:
Come on Apple, you'd BETTER use DDR2-800 or I'll be pissed! :mad:
Actually I'm surprised Aidenshaw didn't pick up on this.
The specs provided are
You'd think they'd at least get the RAM right.
Woodcrest requires the use of FB-DIMM (fully-buffered DIMM) RAM, dual channel, available at 533 or 667mhz speeds. ECC built in. Though technically this is using DDR2 chips, it is referenced as a distinct type, including in Intel's publications. It does not use plain DDR like the low end spec posted in the article (and will transition to DDR3 as those become available).
(edit: toned down the sizes, they were hurting my eyes :) )
Come on Apple, you'd BETTER use DDR2-800 or I'll be pissed! :mad:
Actually I'm surprised Aidenshaw didn't pick up on this.
The specs provided are
You'd think they'd at least get the RAM right.
Woodcrest requires the use of FB-DIMM (fully-buffered DIMM) RAM, dual channel, available at 533 or 667mhz speeds. ECC built in. Though technically this is using DDR2 chips, it is referenced as a distinct type, including in Intel's publications. It does not use plain DDR like the low end spec posted in the article (and will transition to DDR3 as those become available).
(edit: toned down the sizes, they were hurting my eyes :) )

Apr 6, 02:33 PM
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)
I'm not joking when I say this - I held off buying a Macbook for years purely because I didn't want to be associated with these hardcore Apple fanboys who live under Steve Job's bed. It's quite sickening.
I love Apple products, but doesn't mean you have to be blind to the alternatives. It's absolutely amazing how easily people can be brainwashed.
It's a two way street, really. I mean, what would one expect to see/read on a Mac rumor board?
I've been on the other boards, like Android and non-Apple computers and they're just as bad. Some people bash Apple because it's the cool/in thing to do. The Android fanatics are worse in some cases. Their biggest argument is "Open" and "Choice". Sounds familiar...kind of like the Linux crowd back in the day. Where are they now?
In the end, buy what you want and need. It's your money, your choice. If you don't like what someone else bought, get over it. Does it affect you? Does it somehow change how you live? I could give a flying f*&k what my neighbor buys. Whether it's a car, golf clubs, PC, phone, whatever...
Spouting off sounds like jealousy...
Agreed. Basing your buying decisions on who else does or doesn't buy the same product is... How can I put this nicely... Utterly ridiculous.
I'm not joking when I say this - I held off buying a Macbook for years purely because I didn't want to be associated with these hardcore Apple fanboys who live under Steve Job's bed. It's quite sickening.
I love Apple products, but doesn't mean you have to be blind to the alternatives. It's absolutely amazing how easily people can be brainwashed.
It's a two way street, really. I mean, what would one expect to see/read on a Mac rumor board?
I've been on the other boards, like Android and non-Apple computers and they're just as bad. Some people bash Apple because it's the cool/in thing to do. The Android fanatics are worse in some cases. Their biggest argument is "Open" and "Choice". Sounds familiar...kind of like the Linux crowd back in the day. Where are they now?
In the end, buy what you want and need. It's your money, your choice. If you don't like what someone else bought, get over it. Does it affect you? Does it somehow change how you live? I could give a flying f*&k what my neighbor buys. Whether it's a car, golf clubs, PC, phone, whatever...
Spouting off sounds like jealousy...
Agreed. Basing your buying decisions on who else does or doesn't buy the same product is... How can I put this nicely... Utterly ridiculous.

Mar 22, 09:30 PM
I hear that the PlayBook is really easy to hold one-handed. If you know what I mean.
Hmm... yah, I think I get it! (I assume you're holding coffee in the other hand ;) ;) )
Hmm... yah, I think I get it! (I assume you're holding coffee in the other hand ;) ;) )

Dark K
Jun 22, 09:07 AM
That is just ridicoulous, what, shipment will come the 23rd on midnight? If they tell you "come Thursday", that probably means that we won't get any, if Radioshack has indeed not receive any info, that means that selected stores will get the pre-orders plus some others.

Sep 19, 09:02 AM
normally.....do they update new product at 9?

Mar 26, 11:44 AM
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_1_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7D11 Safari/528.16)
How can you say this. The one release since Leopard was Snow Leopard which was simply a rewritten version of Leopard to make it leaner & meaner.
How can you say this. The one release since Leopard was Snow Leopard which was simply a rewritten version of Leopard to make it leaner & meaner.

Aug 26, 09:56 AM
California, it's replies like this that pisses switchers off, even seasones mac users get upset with these replies. What the hell is Rev A?. What idiot argument is this?. That's it ok for apple to make a ****ed-up product cause it's the first version?. What?.. apple just started making computers that they don't know how to make quality products until they already made the first version?. Apple should be horrified at your suggestion. Imagine if no one bought Rev A (whatever the **** that means) machines from Apple. APPLE WOULD GO BROKE!!. There's always Rev A machines when it comes to computers dude. The next mac pro upgrade will use a new processor, faster, new video, more ram, newer harddrive and becomes rev A cause THEY ARE THE FIRST APPLE PRODUCTS TO USE THE NEW UPGRADED PROCESSOR, NEW HARDDIVE, ETC. Really, stop with this nonsense. You are like the 10th idiotic apple fan I have read using this dumb argument.
Right on. I made the same argument to someone on a different forum, and it's just amazing how fanboy mac users concoct these elaborate theories of why apple screwing up is acceptable.
The point is, by simple logic, yes, the following revisions of a product tend to be more reliable because they've had time to address issues, but no, that doesn't mean (anyone) shouldn't buy a machine purely because of it's revision number. If that was the case, then Apple would be out of business. Period.
Right on. I made the same argument to someone on a different forum, and it's just amazing how fanboy mac users concoct these elaborate theories of why apple screwing up is acceptable.
The point is, by simple logic, yes, the following revisions of a product tend to be more reliable because they've had time to address issues, but no, that doesn't mean (anyone) shouldn't buy a machine purely because of it's revision number. If that was the case, then Apple would be out of business. Period.

Jul 15, 01:28 PM
That would be a good lineup: two Minis, two iMacs, two Macs, two MacPros. Perhaps then the spread from $1499 for a base model conroe Mac to a $3299 or even $3599 for a premo dual-woodcrest 3GHz MacPro would seem plausible? I really like having a Mac desktop option before stepping up to the MacPro (with a smaller format). Right now the iMac is your only option in a certain range.
I agree with another poster too, having both models silent would be most excellent!
This sounds to me like a redux of the Performa/Quadra/LC disaster of the late 90s...I am glad Apple has learned from its mistakes, so it does NOT stretch its production line to a plethora of unnecessary models anymore...
A cheapo MacPro model is more than enough to fill any gaps between the iMac and the Pro line...nothing else.
I agree with another poster too, having both models silent would be most excellent!
This sounds to me like a redux of the Performa/Quadra/LC disaster of the late 90s...I am glad Apple has learned from its mistakes, so it does NOT stretch its production line to a plethora of unnecessary models anymore...
A cheapo MacPro model is more than enough to fill any gaps between the iMac and the Pro line...nothing else.

Aug 25, 06:38 PM
When I read a lot of posts where people complain about Apple service, it seems that it is offten from non-US. Is this my imagination or does Apple need to kick the Arse of their international support groups?

Mar 31, 04:31 PM
Oh, then I can take the Honeycomb source code and do whatever I want with it?
Oh, wait, I can't? Then how doesn't this make Android 'closed source'?
Sure, just buy a Honeycomb powered device. Until then Google has no legal requirement to let you have the GPL portions of source. As for the rest, it is licensed under an Apache License, which does not require Google release the source at all but does allow a user to modify and redistribute what they do have.
FOSS does not mean they have to put the source out in the open.
Oh, wait, I can't? Then how doesn't this make Android 'closed source'?
Sure, just buy a Honeycomb powered device. Until then Google has no legal requirement to let you have the GPL portions of source. As for the rest, it is licensed under an Apache License, which does not require Google release the source at all but does allow a user to modify and redistribute what they do have.
FOSS does not mean they have to put the source out in the open.

Aug 8, 11:40 PM
i don't know, i still think the Gran Turismo series is the best as far as real driving simulation. by far. and the number of copies sold backs that up
If sales are the judge of a games greatness, then Mario Kart on the Wii is the greatest racing game of all time. No doubt about it. The number of copies sold backs that up. Sorry GT.
If sales are the judge of a games greatness, then Mario Kart on the Wii is the greatest racing game of all time. No doubt about it. The number of copies sold backs that up. Sorry GT.

Aug 6, 11:08 AM
My predictions:
MacPro: quad woodcrest @ 3GHz, 1GB ram standard, two high speed video card slots, ATI x1900, or NVIDIA 7950GX2, for first time, ATI FireGL boards available as BTO.
XServe: dual woodcrest, larger hard drives
Airport: "pre-n" announced, ships on new MacPros, available in 6 weeks for standalone devices, upgradable when standard is formalized
Leopard: preview, all of OS now 64bit able, still runs on 32bit machines. Takes full advantage of GPU. The usual slew of apps updated.
XCode: updated to 3.0, API for project files made available, various "features" (ie bugs) fixed
Not happening:
iPods, iPhone
New displays and updated "pro" apps will happen at NAB in April. However Steve may announce that all Pro apps are now universal apps. Also, he will hold over the quad G5 in the line-up until Adode has all of their apps universal.
MacPro: quad woodcrest @ 3GHz, 1GB ram standard, two high speed video card slots, ATI x1900, or NVIDIA 7950GX2, for first time, ATI FireGL boards available as BTO.
XServe: dual woodcrest, larger hard drives
Airport: "pre-n" announced, ships on new MacPros, available in 6 weeks for standalone devices, upgradable when standard is formalized
Leopard: preview, all of OS now 64bit able, still runs on 32bit machines. Takes full advantage of GPU. The usual slew of apps updated.
XCode: updated to 3.0, API for project files made available, various "features" (ie bugs) fixed
Not happening:
iPods, iPhone
New displays and updated "pro" apps will happen at NAB in April. However Steve may announce that all Pro apps are now universal apps. Also, he will hold over the quad G5 in the line-up until Adode has all of their apps universal.

Apr 11, 01:03 PM
Analysts can just shove it. Complete BS all over the place. So.. according to them, we're going to have OSX Lion, iOS5, iPhone5, new iPods AND iPad 3... ALL IN THE FALL?! Complete bull. Oh, and throw in macbook pro updates for the later part of the fall, as usual. Just think about that for a second.
Now, let me remember, when was the last time they were wrong.. oh wait, that's right, iPad 2. Last I remember, it was, you won't see it till May/June at the earliest. WRONG. And after analysts vs. bloggers report, it seems bloggers are more right than analysts.
Anyways, after the 1st paragraph I wrote, I have no doubt in my mind that this is impossible. Last time Apple tried something like this, if I recall, it was Mobile Me, iPhone 3G + iOS2. It was a mess. Jobs himself said it was a mistake (http://news.cnet.com/8301-1023_3-10006873-93.html) they'll never make again. So, when thinking about everything that is rumored by analysts to be coming out this fall, yeah, don't think so.:rolleyes:
Edit: Don't get me started on how much their sales would be and strain on supplies having a huge item (iPhone) not only just going on sale, but going on sale leading into holiday season. That's 2x the demand of just releasing during the summer, and we all know how much of a demand that causes.
And going to the guy who said iPhone 3 brought 3GS, what the heck is that? There is 3G, no 3GS (technology wise). It's only a naming convention apple used. Like when cars use SE or GLS. All the did was add a camera, and maybe something else hardware wise.
Edit 2: ipad 2 entered production 1 month b4 apple announcing, so no freak'n 3 months as I've heard around rumor sites.
Thank you! Finally some sense. Any so called "analyst" would be an idiot to claim that Apple will be releasing that many products all within the fall.
You are a much better analyst than the guy from Avian Securities. Arn should make a post saying, "Macrumors forum analyst drewyboy claims the iPhone 5 will launch right on schedule."
Now, let me remember, when was the last time they were wrong.. oh wait, that's right, iPad 2. Last I remember, it was, you won't see it till May/June at the earliest. WRONG. And after analysts vs. bloggers report, it seems bloggers are more right than analysts.
Anyways, after the 1st paragraph I wrote, I have no doubt in my mind that this is impossible. Last time Apple tried something like this, if I recall, it was Mobile Me, iPhone 3G + iOS2. It was a mess. Jobs himself said it was a mistake (http://news.cnet.com/8301-1023_3-10006873-93.html) they'll never make again. So, when thinking about everything that is rumored by analysts to be coming out this fall, yeah, don't think so.:rolleyes:
Edit: Don't get me started on how much their sales would be and strain on supplies having a huge item (iPhone) not only just going on sale, but going on sale leading into holiday season. That's 2x the demand of just releasing during the summer, and we all know how much of a demand that causes.
And going to the guy who said iPhone 3 brought 3GS, what the heck is that? There is 3G, no 3GS (technology wise). It's only a naming convention apple used. Like when cars use SE or GLS. All the did was add a camera, and maybe something else hardware wise.
Edit 2: ipad 2 entered production 1 month b4 apple announcing, so no freak'n 3 months as I've heard around rumor sites.
Thank you! Finally some sense. Any so called "analyst" would be an idiot to claim that Apple will be releasing that many products all within the fall.
You are a much better analyst than the guy from Avian Securities. Arn should make a post saying, "Macrumors forum analyst drewyboy claims the iPhone 5 will launch right on schedule."

Mar 31, 05:10 PM
Good. I hope they take one of the last strengths of the iPad ecosystem away from it.
If you're going to spew nonsense, at least make it relevant to the thread.
If you're going to spew nonsense, at least make it relevant to the thread.

Apr 6, 04:43 PM
You both ignored HOT DOGS! Sheesh, hot dogs rule. The only problem is kids under 6 choking on them unless you cut them right. But that will be fixed in the v3.0 hot dog, they will come pre-sliced.
GTFO. :mad:
Or are you counting on the deal with that swedish sausage company to save hot dogs from doooom?
The race to the bottom continues...
GTFO. :mad:
Or are you counting on the deal with that swedish sausage company to save hot dogs from doooom?
The race to the bottom continues...

Aug 11, 10:25 AM
I really hope Apple comes out with a phone that's an awesome phone, music player, and smart phone... Is that asking too much?
Yes, I agree, it would have to be an iPod as well for all intents and purposes. And please Apple, make it a good quality phone - don't make it like those RAZRs which look cool but are crappy otherwise. I don't think I have read more negative reviews on a cell phone than I have for the RAZR.
Yes, I agree, it would have to be an iPod as well for all intents and purposes. And please Apple, make it a good quality phone - don't make it like those RAZRs which look cool but are crappy otherwise. I don't think I have read more negative reviews on a cell phone than I have for the RAZR.

Apr 25, 02:21 PM
...The "tracking" is widely used by many apps. Perhaps we should all just wait and see the details before you jump on the "OMG I'm being tracked, and the sky is falling" wagon.
If you are really paranoid about it, delete the darn file and there...Done!
Wounded, Apple will go on strike and remove all GPS from future devices now. ;)
If you are really paranoid about it, delete the darn file and there...Done!
Wounded, Apple will go on strike and remove all GPS from future devices now. ;)
Apr 25, 03:26 PM
This is RIDICULOUS! if you switch off location services your location is still being tracked by the mobile phone companies everytime your phone makes a connection with one of their masts, which happens everytime you move cell. Oh and this happens with every phone, otherwise they wouldn't work.
First, there is a difference between a carrier tracking you through external means and you phone's software doing it.
Second, the data is still collected even with locations services turned off.
First, there is a difference between a carrier tracking you through external means and you phone's software doing it.
Second, the data is still collected even with locations services turned off.
Lord Blackadder
Mar 22, 01:32 PM
I'm very specific on what I praise Reagan for... including his excellent ability to speak eloquently about the values of the free market, small government, etc. I've repeatedly said that he was far from perfect... but it's less easy for you to argue with reality when you can just make up my positions on one man... isn't it?
Reagan was not about small government at all. He massively increased government spending and the size of the military. He may have spoken eloquently about small government, but they were empty words. There isn't much to praise there.
Speaking of making up positions, almost every post you make contains a micharacterization of what other people say, but phrased as a question so as to make it seem more innocent.
Reagan was not about small government at all. He massively increased government spending and the size of the military. He may have spoken eloquently about small government, but they were empty words. There isn't much to praise there.
Speaking of making up positions, almost every post you make contains a micharacterization of what other people say, but phrased as a question so as to make it seem more innocent.
sierra oscar
Sep 19, 09:39 AM
I don't know how many times we have to go round and round with this here. I've been on MacRumors since '01 and it's always the same-old, same-old. It's not legitimate. It's "I-wantism." You have no basis to believe that a Rev B would be more "stabled and refined." That's a hope, backed by nothing -- and nothing Apple ever comments on, either. The bottom line is that you can hope if you want, and you can wait if you want, but to bash Apple for being slow on the trigger, and to make the argument that Meroms are amazing and Yonahs are crap is, frankly, horse manure. Like I said, 64 bit is pretty irrelevant for most users, and the speed and battery differences are quite negligible. And the argument that Apple is losing tons of sales to PC manufactuers is, frankly, laughable too.
Sure... I have no basis to believe a revB will be more stable and refined. But I'm participating in 'discussion' - so no real proof - but I wasn't seeking any.
I did state - I was hoping a revB would 'maximise' my chances though. Ironically just as I have no 'proof' neither do you that this won't be the case.
I find your tone very condescending and doesn't encourage open and accepting dialogue between ppl here. I don't understand why you would participate then... If you need to be the oldest forum member (you win) or 100% right (you can win that too).... but I want to engage with ppl here in a friendly and warm atmosphere.
Sure... I have no basis to believe a revB will be more stable and refined. But I'm participating in 'discussion' - so no real proof - but I wasn't seeking any.
I did state - I was hoping a revB would 'maximise' my chances though. Ironically just as I have no 'proof' neither do you that this won't be the case.
I find your tone very condescending and doesn't encourage open and accepting dialogue between ppl here. I don't understand why you would participate then... If you need to be the oldest forum member (you win) or 100% right (you can win that too).... but I want to engage with ppl here in a friendly and warm atmosphere.
Apr 6, 07:51 AM
Apple's no longer supposed to care about their Pro software.
This will never happen.
Apple's no longer supposed to care about their Pro software.
This will never happen.
Mar 22, 01:46 PM
It won�t sell because the iPad lines will block the view in store.
Exactly. And that the overpriced 7" RIM playbook basically tried to emulate the Samsung tab.
Exactly. And that the overpriced 7" RIM playbook basically tried to emulate the Samsung tab.
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