miércoles, 11 de mayo de 2011

portal 2 ps3 vs xbox 360

portal 2 ps3 vs xbox 360. Portal 2 Metacritic User
  • Portal 2 Metacritic User

  • gnasher729
    Jul 28, 06:27 AM
    Ensoniq, thanks so much for the useful corrections. How significant do you think that 64-bit capability will be in the future compared to not having it(say, 2-3 years time)?

    64 bit is required for applications that need more than four GB of memory. For other things, it is nice to have, but not required. If you buy a MacBook today, you wouldn't be able to put more than 4 GB of memory in it for the next few years anyway, so in that respect it doesn't matter much whether you have a Yonah or Merom chip. For everything else, 64 bit software might run a bit faster than 32 bit software on a 64 bit chip, but it is not essential. So I think applications will ship as 32 bit or as combined 32/64 bit applications for quite some time.

    The question for the developers would be: If I switch to 64 bit exclusively, so my code runs ten percent faster on Core 2 Duo, but 1-2 million Macintosh users cannot use it at all, how many sales will I gain because it is faster, and how many sales will I lose because 2 million people cannot use it? Three years from now, the answer will still be that you lose more sales running 64 bit only.

    portal 2 ps3 vs xbox 360. Portal 2 Boxart Revealed,
  • Portal 2 Boxart Revealed,

  • guffman
    Aug 5, 10:15 PM
    Do you have any feel for when we will see a roll-out of the pro apps? I recall quite a bit of rumor-mongering just before the Intel announcement. Since then it has been rather silent. I thought the sudden drop in Quake might be a precursor to something fairly soon??

    Are you talking about the price drop on Shake? And besides the CS products what Pro apps are you talking about?

    portal 2 ps3 vs xbox 360. Portal 2 was originally
  • Portal 2 was originally

  • wpotere
    Apr 27, 01:49 PM
    Oh you're right, that is completely applicable and single-handedly discredits the foundation of the American government. Instead of government, let's all gather around and talk about our feelings.

    Sarcasm ^

    Nah, instead we can all stand around and look at a birth certificate! :rolleyes:

    portal 2 ps3 vs xbox 360. Portal 2 box art revealed
  • Portal 2 box art revealed

  • srxtr
    Mar 31, 03:54 PM
    This wont end androids openness. It will make is so that there is more of a consistent experience amung all android devices.

    We will still be able to install from "unknown sources" for example.

    Relaz macrumors.. not as big as deal as you are making it.

    Openness means it should not matter whether it's consistent or not.

    If every android device out there was consistent with each other, that defies the definition of openness.

    Being able to install whatever you want from "unknown sources" is not the "open" OS this article is referring to.

    portal 2 ps3 vs xbox 360. Uncharted 2: PS3 vs. Xbox 360
  • Uncharted 2: PS3 vs. Xbox 360

  • jonharris200
    Aug 7, 04:00 PM
    Will Time Machine mean that you can't permanently delete any file? What about something confidential which you want to "e-shred"?

    portal 2 ps3 vs xbox 360. Portal 2 New Screens
  • Portal 2 New Screens

  • pkson
    Apr 10, 08:36 PM
    Wow. You'd think a FCP Users group would be able to track down a halfway decent graphic artist to make their banner graphic...

    Aww, give them a break, they're probably just trying to keep with the 90's design of the UI. :D

    Honestly, the website totally sucks. Looks like a get-rich-quick advertisement site. They might be FCP pros, but they know amateur HTML.

    portal 2 ps3 vs xbox 360. PS3 vs Xbox 360.
  • PS3 vs Xbox 360.

  • lsvtecjohn3
    Apr 19, 02:40 PM
    wow @ post 2.

    apple will have a hard time fighting this in court.

    watch this video then

    portal 2 ps3 vs xbox 360. We#39;re reviewing the Xbox 360
  • We#39;re reviewing the Xbox 360

  • Popeye206
    Apr 11, 12:48 PM
    Enough with all the damn secrets. What other company keeps you in the dark about their products?! I've noticed a lot of people get tired of the same old waiting game with the iPhone and go ahead and get something else. Sometimes they like it and stick to the brand instead of Apple. This secrecy strategy was good at first but now it's starting to work against Apple.

    I've noticed that too with their products all being top sellers! :rolleyes:

    Personally, I like that they keep things under wraps. Why do I care until something is released anyway. Others do it as a sign of desperation to try and hold off people from buying something else. Obviously, this strategy really worked well for Moto and the Xoom.... lots of pre-ship hype and big flop afterwards.

    portal 2 ps3 vs xbox 360. PS3/Xbox 360 – Release Date:
  • PS3/Xbox 360 – Release Date:

  • marksman
    Mar 31, 09:04 PM
    As an Apple fanboy, I'm disappointed to post this, but Android will continue to win despite the huge fragmentation problem.

    Unlike Windoze based computers, cell phone users expect to replace their phones minimally every two years. So for the most part these users just don't care whether the manufacturers bother to upgrade the OS or whether the few apps they've found need to be repurchased.

    When they go shopping and see a brand new Android phone running a better OS with more apps than they had before, they will simply buy it. Especially since there will continue to be two for one offers and lots of competition.

    Like Apple computers, iPhones will be superbly engineered, but that hasn't mattered in the computer arena and it won't matter in the cell phone arena.

    BTW, I expect Apple to eventually command 20% of the world's computer, cell phone, and tablet market with 50% (or more) of the profits, so it's not like Apple won't be successful. It's like combining all of the luxury cars together under one manufacturer.

    I disagree because Smartphones have become essentially computers for people, and people much more than ever want to maintain their existence when they upgrade or move on. With the iPhone this is simply easy to just get a new model of iphone and continue on. Crossing from one manufacturer of android to another with a new OS and everything else, I can't believe it is anywhere near as seamless or effortless.

    I think mostly what we are seeing in the marketplace now is the android is for people who can't afford an iPhone. Other people mentioned the two for one deals and other things. It is just a marketplace where android based phones are more affordable and accessible to people who don't have as much to spend on a smartphone.

    The whole android handset is crazy. Manufacturers make up new models every 3 weeks, Google renames each version of the Android operating system with some silly name... There is no cohesion or continuity in that at all. I think consumers look more for that than ever.

    Android has barely been out long enough for most of the normal consumers to be on an upgrade path already and to have to cycle into a new device. Time will tell.

    I think people will see a new android handset (although aqain it is confusing with 25 different makers), and expect to be able to just take it home and upgrade it.. But is that how it happens? Because it is like 2 clicks for an iPhone.

    portal 2 ps3 vs xbox 360. Portal 2 PC, PS3, X360
  • Portal 2 PC, PS3, X360

  • borisadmin
    Jul 28, 08:00 AM
    The question for the developers would be: If I switch to 64 bit exclusively, so my code runs ten percent faster on Core 2 Duo, but 1-2 million Macintosh users cannot use it at all, how many sales will I gain because it is faster, and how many sales will I lose because 2 million people cannot use it? Three years from now, the answer will still be that you lose more sales running 64 bit only.

    Thanks heaps gnasher729, that's exactly the kind of perspective I was looking for! I'll wait until WWDC to see if there's a bump, but I need to upgrade my PB G4 12" because the optical drive has broken, so I think I'll get a Macbook then regardless.

    portal 2 ps3 vs xbox 360. Portal 2 Xbox 360
  • Portal 2 Xbox 360

  • Tears Apart
    Mar 25, 10:30 PM

    bring it on, i'm ready

    portal 2 ps3 vs xbox 360. Portal 2 delayed to April 20,
  • Portal 2 delayed to April 20,

  • Trowaman
    Aug 7, 01:22 AM
    Ok, my predictions:
    Leopard (iChat 4.0 ready to go for the iPhone)
    Mac Pro
    XServe (MacServe?)
    new displays (iSights and probably IR. If I get my wish, S-Video and RCA in)

    Paris: All about the iTunes and iPod ending with Steve saying available worldwide "except here." Possible iPhone here.

    the other 4 Macs will be upgraded at some point going into Q1 with MBP and iMac getting Core 2 and MB and Minis getting the top Core Duos.

    portal 2 ps3 vs xbox 360. Posted in: PS3, Xbox 360
  • Posted in: PS3, Xbox 360

  • Jpoon
    Jun 8, 08:30 PM
    I would rather just order it online if I didn't want to drive to an Apple Store.

    Seriously, RadioShack needs to die.

    portal 2 ps3 vs xbox 360. Portal 2 is coming to the PS3!
  • Portal 2 is coming to the PS3!

  • rovex
    Mar 22, 01:40 PM
    Yeah a 50% smaller screen for the same price and less battery life is certainly going to crush the iPad2.

    The screen is not 50% smaller. Nice way of making yourself look stupid.

    Playbook has that elusive flash support out of the box which every apple fanboy wants to hide under the rug.

    OS is more eloquent than iOS.

    portal 2 ps3 vs xbox 360. can find a PS3 vs Xbox 360
  • can find a PS3 vs Xbox 360

  • mrholder
    Apr 6, 04:37 PM
    Was considering a Xoom, but purchased a brand new 1st gen iPad a couple of days ago through the Verizon sale. Couldn't resist the price. Plus, can't see spending money on new content for the Xoom when I have tons of content that I've purchased through itunes.

    portal 2 ps3 vs xbox 360. PS3 and Xbox 360 versions
  • PS3 and Xbox 360 versions

  • nagromme
    Aug 25, 05:02 PM
    I have always wondered if Apple's past industry record on support was really accurate. I think that Apple had such a loyal following of users that they tended to give Apple rosey marks for what most would classify as just average support.
    A very logical theory--and sometimes true, no doubt--but three possible points to counter that:

    * There is NOT a pattern of Mac users tending to hide their dissatisfaction--not even with even the smallest thing Apple does wrong. At least, not on these forums :D

    * Consumer Reports (and PC Magazine too to some extent) break down the numbers in quantifiable ways: like whether Apple support solved the problem or not, and how long you had to wait on hold. It's not just "subjective impressions" being gathered. These are professional surveys after all.

    * People aren't just loyal out of the blue, they're loyal because Apple HAS done well by them. People being happy on Mac is a FAIR factor, I think, not an unfair one. (The fact that Mac users like Apple/Macs so much is sometimes used as a REASON to claim that Apple/Macs don't deserve it. That's a little backwards at best.)

    Nonetheless, I think you have a point about Switchers being an increasing group. I'm not sure exactly HOW that affects the outcome, but I think that it must, and that it's something Apple must adapt to.

    As for this past month--I don't see any unusual pattern of complaints, personally. Things like that always fluctuate, and if there IS an increase in the last few weeks, I bet it's not the first such, nor the last.

    For the record, my own experience: I have had Apple bend over backwards for me and offer better service (even free not-warranty repair for wear-and-tear) than they were bound to do. I have also had some frustration with getting canned responses from the first-level techs (at other companies too)--but I politely but firmly move up the ladder!

    portal 2 ps3 vs xbox 360. today for Xbox 360, PS3,
  • today for Xbox 360, PS3,

  • radiohead14
    Mar 22, 04:04 PM
    I know I haven't been on this forum for as long as some, but this topic again proves why I'm often dissuaded from posting more regularly.

    The constant foot-stomping, ridiculing without even trying, 'my Dad-is-better-than-your-Dad' attitude towards other manufacturers, the list is ongoing. How can any of us write off the Playbook or the Samsung tablet without even trying them? Yes, they are second and third to the market, but then so was Apple with the first iteration of its smartphone. Now look where we are.

    The iPad two does have some shortcomings, few of which are worth going to to here. However, the OS of these devices IS crucial and we are beginning to see iOS creaking slightly. In terms of looks and notifications, for me, Apple is lagging. I like how the Playbook looks and potentially, should operate. Will I make a snap judgement? No. I'll try the damn thing first before making a judgement.

    Do I see these tablets wiping out the iPad? Not a chance. Not in a million years. Do I see future versions of the Playbook and Samsung tabs wiping out the iPad? Perhaps, who can say. Mobile computing and tablets are here to stay now - saying and believing that the iPad will remain as dominant is pure wishful thinking from the more fanboy-minded of us.

    well said. it's hard to even have a civil conversation here anymore. not sure what the majority of the age group here is now, but the discussions since i've joined here just a couple of years ago seem to be on the decline with immaturity. there are a handful of respectful and open minded people who do back up their thoughts with details and sense, but you'd have to wade through a lot of "fanboy" (i hate that term) jargon to sift the ones worth replying to.

    portal 2 ps3 vs xbox 360. PS3 vs Xbox 360 Comparison
  • PS3 vs Xbox 360 Comparison

  • ccrandall77
    Aug 11, 04:10 PM
    No, not really. You see, mobile phone is cheaper to use than landline in many countries, especially for mobile to mobile calls. And when everyone else has a mobile phone, if you want to be connected you're better off buying a mobile.
    OK, as skeptical as I am, I'll concede. And I envy you that your cell service is as cheap as it is.

    portal 2 ps3 vs xbox 360. Here#39;s how the Xbox 360
  • Here#39;s how the Xbox 360

  • appleguy123
    Feb 28, 07:18 PM
    Do you realize how incredibly rare paedophilia is? Also the Media is stupid and uses the wrong words intentionally. Truth, outright slanderous lies, what's the difference if it sells copies eh?
    I wasn't around in the 1970's, but I'm pretty sure that pedophilia wasn't normal then.
    Some of this may be media frenzy, but if even one child rapist is hidden by the Catholic Church, it doesn't reflect well on them.
    "In the 1970s, pedophilia was theorized as something fully in conformity with man and even with children," the pope said. "It was maintained - even within the realm of Catholic theology - that there is no such thing as evil in itself or good in itself. There is only a 'better than' and a 'worse than.' Nothing is good or bad in itself."

    Aug 27, 07:33 PM
    Especially the last paragraph of your rebuttal shows that you have not read ALL the threads about MB and MBp problems. I really would like to hear you, when you had your MBP replaced 3 times and still have problems... I have friends who just upgraded to MBPs all have one or more problems, ranging from screen, heat, whine, keyboard, and other problems, some of which they still have to discover. Sorry, buddy, but it truly looks like getting a good MBP is LUCK. I own a couple of laptops, my oldest ones are 9 years old (TOSHIBA), and never ever did I have problems like the ones described on these boards.
    Proof my butt.... Wouldn"t it be nice if these threads had only happy APPLE fans? Dream on.

    We are consumers, and should not accept getting a refurb lemon... but a new, preferably working product.

    I had my iBook G4 14in completely gutted due to be replete with defects. Apple returned it with a new logic board, DVD drive, hard drive, LCD Panel, and more.

    AppleCare covered it all. You're not going to hear me whine that this is a problem when the warranty did its job.

    Downtime from computing was zero as I have a second workstation. The time was 1 week from shipping to return shipping.

    It's been purring since now for 15 months and counting. I use it for Cocoa Development until revision B of the Mac Pro arrives.

    Doctor Q
    Jul 14, 04:02 PM
    top heavy is just idiotic.Case designers aren't perfect, but they aren't idiots either. Some PCs have power supplies on top, despite the top heaviness and the extra path for the power cable. What's the reason? There must be some tradeoff involved or they'd never build them that way.

    Aug 25, 02:37 PM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com)

    Over the past month or so, there appears to have been an uptick in user dissatisfaction with Apple's handling of support incidents. While overall satisfaction is extremely hard to gauge due to the fact that typically only disgruntled users notify sites of issues and the uptick could also simply represent Apple's increased marketshare, it does come amongst reports of Apple firing its online forum moderator staff (http://www.macobserver.com/article/2006/07/28.10.shtml) and an Indian support center (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/06/20060604190322.shtml) that was shut down as quickly as it was opened. Similarly, many people felt that Apple was ill-prepared for yesterday's 1.8 million battery recall (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/08/20060824134647.shtml), as Apple's support site was quickly overloaded with requests and there was a lot of confusion as to what batteries were affected.

    This all could, of course be coincidental. Of note, Apple has consistently been a market leader in surveys on customer support (http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,1895,2006497,00.asp).

    Digg This (http://digg.com/apple/Apple_Having_Support_Problems)

    Sep 19, 02:03 AM
    there's no reason not to switch to Core 2 Duo as they sell for the same price as Core Duo and are drop in replacement.. the only possible reason for the delay is supply shortage.. it's not unusual to see PC vendors announce new processors even though they are unable to ship them at that time, but at the same time they keep options for the older model, which ships instantly.. Apple thinks differently, they will announce the update when they're ready to ship and starting that day they cease selling the older models.. I think thats fair.. the only difference is that they don't make announcements several weeks in advance..

    Apple has no reason not to follow Intel's speed bumps, because on each speed bump the prices shifts towards the lower models, in other words Intel keeps the prices the same but speed bumps at every level.. if Apple does not update, they're keeping extra money in their pockets..

    as for the updates, I'm curious wheter it's gonna be just a processor switch or wheter they will also move from ATi to nVidia as they did in iMacs.. ATi is now owned by AMD and maybe somehow Apple bets more on nVidia because of using Intel processors only.. also I don't expect MXM slots for video cards for the same reason there's no processor socket in MBP, they ough to keep this as tight as possible..

    I personally don't care about DL SuperDrive, but as they managed to fit it into same 1" thick 17" model, they should do it with 15.4" models too..

    what I miss absolutely the most is WSXGA+ resolution in 15.4" and WUXGA in 17" - make that an option, it's so easy to do so - the displays are bog standard and can be exchanged w/o any redesign..

    I'd be in for a model with lesser GPU like X1400 or Go 7400 because it would save battery life and run cooler.. and for those who don't play - just perfect..

    otherwise I'm pretty much content with MBP..

    let's see..

    Mar 1, 05:05 PM
    Right, that's why England is preventing a married couple from adopting.Link, please.

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