sábado, 14 de mayo de 2011

harry potter 7 part 1 blu ray

harry potter 7 part 1 blu ray. Bill Nighy (Harry Potter
  • Bill Nighy (Harry Potter

  • Mikey7c8
    Mar 31, 08:47 PM
    John Gruber's take:
    So here�s the Android bait-and-switch laid bare. Android was �open� only until it became popular and handset makers dependent upon it. Now that Google has the handset makers by the balls, Android is no longer open and Google starts asserting control.

    Andy Rubin, Vic Gundotra, Eric Schmidt: shameless, lying hypocrites, all of them.Can't say I disagree.

    I completely disagree.

    Going open sounded like a great idea in the beginning. Fast forward to today, and manufacturers have used the openness against the platform by creating custom versions of android that aren't readily upgradable.

    This has hurt the platform more than 'being open' helped it and google is right to start regulating what can and cannot be done.

    I think we're all pretty lucky to have experienced both sides of the spectrum to be honest :)

    harry potter 7 part 1 blu ray. compares to Harry Potter
  • compares to Harry Potter

  • VanNess
    Aug 5, 05:59 PM
    Im glad we will be getting a bit of closure on monday, while I love the rumors its been getting a bit to much, im actively avoiding all mac related sites... I dont want to be the boy that spoilt his own Xmas! :D

    Here, let me show you the art and science of rumoring (http://www.misterbg.org/AppleProductCycle/), Apple-style.

    harry potter 7 part 1 blu ray. part 1 2010 luray. Harry
  • part 1 2010 luray. Harry

  • magbarn
    Apr 7, 11:45 PM
    Good for Apple on this. One less retailer over charging for their products. I hope they pull the Apple stores out all together and find a new retail partner.

    What 'new retail partner'? Kmart? BB is the last big box electronic store nationwide in the US. There's a few Fry's/Microcenter's around, but those are far and few in-between.

    I got the call for the ATT 64gb I had reserved with the $100 gift card a week ago. Had to waste a work-day going to BB as instead of the '48 hour hold' I originally thought I had, the manager said they were in some 'trouble' with Apple and said he could only hold my reservation for a few hours as Apple did not like them holding the ipad 2's in reserve.

    harry potter 7 part 1 blu ray. Harry Potter And The Deathly
  • Harry Potter And The Deathly

  • Dunepilot
    Nov 29, 10:45 AM
    No actually, I represent recording artists, songwriters and producers. I am on the other side usually trying to fight the labels for every nickle an artist can try to get. However, because of that, I am on the same page with them in trying to get my artists and writers compensated from a digital marketplace that only pays for a small percentage of the material transferred. My artists only get paid for between 10 - 20% of the digital material out there (the rest pirated), so, anywhere we can get some income, even if through this flawed iPod royalty, I support.

    I am just sick of people who think that they have a right to free music. Why don't you all think you have a right to free computers, or free software. How dare Apple charge you for iLife?

    If all of you on here bought all of your music either from iTunes or from a record store, then, absolutely, complain away if that dollar is passed on to you. But, which is likely in just about every case, you have a few songs you burned off a friend's CD or downloaded from a file-sharing site, then shut up, you are the reason this is necessary.

    I suspect you may be trolling, but this is the most moronic statement I've seen on a board for some time now.

    If you actually knew anything about the ethos of MacRumors and its forums, you'd know that people who post here are quite vehemently anti-piracy. What's the betting you actually work for Universal or Microsoft and are being paid to post this nonsense? Pretty likely, I'd say.

    Oh yeah - for anyone who thinks most music these days sucks, you're just looking in the wrong place. Major labels ceased to produce anything of worth quite some time ago. Dig a little deeper and there's a wealth of wonderful music being made right now (and over the last 10 years specifically).

    harry potter 7 part 1 blu ray. Harry Potter and the Deathly
  • Harry Potter and the Deathly

  • ducttape
    Nov 28, 08:55 PM
    So stupid. Not even the Zune players should have to deal with royalties. iTunes is where a lot of people get legal music. Like Universal's. So why should Universal make Apple pay them for a product Apple sells that helps Universal's business anyway? We could go into the debate about illegal Universal music on iPods, but Apple (nor any other company) should be held responsible for how customers 'abuse' their products. That's the customers' problem.

    harry potter 7 part 1 blu ray. Harry Potter and the Deathly
  • Harry Potter and the Deathly

  • KT Walrus
    Apr 7, 10:58 PM
    I know some Apple Stores hold back iPad 2 stock for "special customers". I was talking to a retired school teacher who had a contact at an Apple Store and she said she got her iPad 2 by having her contact hold one for her when he could. She got hers a few days after they first went on sale when her contact called and all she had to do was pick it up at her convenience.

    Best Buy employees aren't the only ones setting aside stock of iPad 2s. It isn't about first come first served, but who you know.

    harry potter 7 part 1 blu ray. Review: Harry Potter and the
  • Review: Harry Potter and the

  • likemyorbs
    Mar 5, 03:45 PM
    About as logical as "Concerned" Women of America. Somehow you start recognizing gay families rights under the government and men will lose all interest in women, even at the alter!

    (Unfortunately this is an actual screen grab of their website from today - they are not homophobic at all, really...)

    THAT....IS.....HILARIOUS. As if the bride didn't know her husband was gay when he had a put a picture of his boy toy on the bed post before having sex with her. Then again, if they're religious i guess they didn't have sex before their wedding date.

    harry potter 7 part 1 blu ray. release of Harry Potter
  • release of Harry Potter

  • Macnoviz
    Apr 12, 11:36 AM
    There have been live streams in the past but last I heard Apple killed it for this meeting.


    well, if they were planning on doing a livestream, and all of the sudden they make it into a semi-stevenote, the extra traffic would probably kill the stream anyway

    harry potter 7 part 1 blu ray. Harry Potter and the Deathly
  • Harry Potter and the Deathly

  • cgc
    Jul 21, 03:20 PM
    All I will say is that you are not a typical user. You are not even close to typical.

    OK. So maybe you need ten thousand cores and three million gigabytes of RAM. Don't think for an instant that the majority of the world shares your requirements.
    It must take a lot of cores to RIP DVDs and seed them...:confused:

    harry potter 7 part 1 blu ray. Harry Potter and the Deathly
  • Harry Potter and the Deathly

  • tk421
    Nov 29, 11:11 AM
    Oh yeah - for anyone who thinks most music these days sucks, you're just looking in the wrong place. Major labels ceased to produce anything of worth quite some time ago. Dig a little deeper and there's a wealth of wonderful music being made right now (and over the last 10 years specifically).

    Ain't that the truth!! Here's quite a few recommendations (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=126692).

    harry potter 7 part 1 blu ray. As any true Harry Potter fan
  • As any true Harry Potter fan

  • iPhil
    Apr 27, 12:53 PM
    Who is NOBama? I looked up that name on Wikipedia but haven't found anything.

    harry potter 7 part 1 blu ray. Die-hard fans and newbies
  • Die-hard fans and newbies

  • LegendKillerUK
    Apr 6, 10:46 AM
    fingers crossed for no Over-heating issues, you know how those turbo speeds can get and how they've treated the 13'' Pros

    Any overheating would be caused by the lack of appropriate thermal paste.

    My experience is at best anecdotal but I tend to run Windows 7 in Parallels and have a flash stream running in Safari and the CPU doesn't go above 80c, which is perfectly acceptable. :)

    harry potter 7 part 1 blu ray. Part 1 (Three-Disc Blu-ray
  • Part 1 (Three-Disc Blu-ray

  • balamw
    Aug 7, 04:15 PM
    This is not what Apple is doing here, as they are simply storing the old version of the file on the backup system.
    Which takes us back to the behavior that was the default on VAX systems running VMS 20 years ago... Microsoft is implementing something similar in Vista as well. http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20060730-7383.html


    harry potter 7 part 1 blu ray. “Harry Potter and the Deathly
  • “Harry Potter and the Deathly

  • gnasher729
    Mar 26, 10:19 AM
    There is no way this is a GM. The "reporter" is obviously confused. If it was a GM version that means they would be sending it off for duplication soon. Since WWDC is months away this makes no sense.

    To be fair, they are saying "nearing a Golden Master candidate". Which is quite meaningless, because Lion is "nearing a Golden Master candidate" from the time when the first line of code for Lion was written.

    Apple has a list of features that need adding to produce Lion, and a list of known problems that need to be fixed. The developers' job is to add the features and to fix the known problems; someone else's job is to find yet unknown problems before customers find them. You get a "Golden Master candidate" when all features are implemented (or management decided that something wouldn't be a feature), and all problems known at that moment in time are fixed. If new problems are found in the "Golden Master candidate" then the developers fix them and create a new "Golden Master candidate". If no new problems are found then the "Golden Master" candidate turns into a "Golden Master", and that will be the released version of MacOS X 10.7.0.

    harry potter 7 part 1 blu ray. Harry Potter and the Deathly
  • Harry Potter and the Deathly

  • MacAddict1978
    Mar 26, 01:47 AM
    I tested Lion, and removed it after a month. Not buying it. I'll use Snow Leopard, it's the best OS so far. I'll see the one after Lion, maybe there will be something interesting.

    Would you mind elaborating? Like, why you didn't like it? What about it made you compelled to remove and decide not to buy? And please don't say bugs. It was a beta.

    harry potter 7 part 1 blu ray. Free Download Harry Potter And
  • Free Download Harry Potter And

  • After G
    Aug 25, 11:26 PM
    I guess I am lucky, but I haven't had problems through all the Macs I have bought. It may be because I haven't bought rev A of any product.

    The eMac was 2nd gen. No problems.
    The iBook was 2nd to last gen. No problems.
    And the Intel Mac mini is just an internals change. We'll wait and see.

    If my Intel mini conks out unexpectedly, I will give Apple one more chance, because they haven't worked with Intel hardware extensively like PPC hardware.

    At the same time, there is a price to pay for lower prices. Would you be willing to pay premiums for quality? I'm glad Apples are cheaper, but not glad about the downturn in quality. I think I would pay a bit more for quality, myself.

    harry potter 7 part 1 blu ray. Reminder part 1 of “Deathly
  • Reminder part 1 of “Deathly

  • skunk
    Apr 28, 04:41 PM
    Obama's too smart. :)

    harry potter 7 part 1 blu ray. Picture of Harry Potter and
  • Picture of Harry Potter and

  • NightFox
    Apr 19, 01:37 PM
    why? iphones outselling itouches by so much makes sense to me.

    Just really basing it on my own experience - I'm the only one of my close friends/family to own an iPhone, but I can count 5 iPod Touches in that same group. Also thought their would be a lot of iPod Touches owned by children rather than iPhones.

    harry potter 7 part 1 blu ray. New in Blu-ray / DVD for April
  • New in Blu-ray / DVD for April

  • eseminario
    Jun 9, 01:42 AM
    Anybody knows if thebunlocked version will be available on launch day too?

    Sep 13, 01:22 PM
    As for using a Dell, sure they could've used that. Would Windows use the extra 4 cores? Highly doubtful. Microsoft has sketchy 64 bit support let alone dual core support; I'm not saying "impossible" but I haven't read jack squat about any version of Windows working well with quad cores. You think those fools (the same idiots who came up with Genuine Advantage) actually optimized their OS to run in an 8 core setup? Please pass along what you're smoking. :rolleyes:


    Yeah because whatever you [zero2dash] are smoking is really screwing with your mind... best to get something else.

    Aug 5, 04:44 PM
    I'm sure it will have a sensor on the computer... but as an added selling point, a second sensor on the Apple display... so you can put your computer under your desk and still use Front Row.

    I agree. You'll have multiple options either way.

    I think the really big display update, would be just that. A 40" or 50" monitor.:rolleyes:

    Apr 27, 08:18 AM
    I wish they would leave it on and let me use it. I consider it a feature. It would help me track hours at job sites automatically for billing. I thought of writing an app just for that.

    That's an interesting idea.

    I actually like Apple's response. I do think that being able to turn OFF the feature was an oversight on their part but I do wish there was a way to leave it on. I'd actually welcome a way to import that database into Aperture and use it geotag my photos. Yes, there are apps to do that but I have an iPhone 3G and so backgrounding those apps isn't really possible.

    Mar 26, 01:15 AM
    About the only thing that I find disappointing about this release is the lack of a new filesystem.

    I am disappointed about this too. But I am not surprised. Apple's next filesystem was going to be ZFS. But Sun being purchased by Oracle has probably killed any chance of that happening.

    The newer Linux FS'es are just not stable enough at the point (or don't do things Apple has somehow managed to bake into HFS+, like the snapshots, and things like directory Hard Links, etc). I don't see Apple moving to any version of ReiserFS or ext#, so I think we are stuck with HFS+ and extensions/improvements of it, until the ZFS situation gets clearer.

    Apr 10, 05:54 PM
    There is a part of me that hopes Apple screws up and dumbs down FCS. This is the only remaining software that keeps me buying expensive Macs. If they turn FCS into a glorified iApp, then I'm dumping my Mac's and moving on to a build your own PC where I can run Linux and all of the industry standard professional apps.

    I think that with this new release of FinalCut, Apple is going to shove a dagger into it's professional line. In the last keynote, Jobs mentioned the "transition from a post-PC" business model. The only way that Apple can devote itself exclusively to iStuff is to wean the professional's away from using their products. Once FCS becomes a new video editing program aimed more for the masses running on iPads, Apple will be able to say that they don't have a need for the pro line of computers anymore. Say goodbye to MacPro anything.

    Whatever Apple announces Tuesday is going to be a strong indicator for the future of the professional line. If they announce an amazing FCS 4 for professionals, then we will know they are committed to the long run. However, if they turn FinalCut into some kind of cheesy video editing app for the mass consumer, then you better start rethinking your professional future with Apple - unless you make your money from making crappy youtube videos.

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