miércoles, 11 de mayo de 2011

wasp barcode logo

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  • gregorypierce
    Apr 11, 02:31 AM
    Wow. You'd think a FCP Users group would be able to track down a halfway decent graphic artist to make their banner graphic...

    It probably looks great when in motion on a TV screen.....

    hey I tried :)

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  • rezenclowd3
    Dec 12, 06:05 PM
    At least GT6 is already underway. (http://www.1up.com/news/gran-turismo-6-development-underway) (old news, but throwing it out there for those that don't know)

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  • yodaxl7
    Apr 7, 11:56 PM
    As best as I can figure, it works like this. Managers get good grades if they sell certain amounts of products.

    I'll use low numbers here. Let's say BB corporate wants you to sell at least 5 iPads a day to make your "Quota". One day, 10 iPads come in. You sell all ten, yay, you made quota for the day.

    But the next day, none get shipped to the store. So, boo, you didn't make quota, since you didn't have any to sell.

    So, if you get 10 the day after that, & not knowing if more are coming tomorrow, you sell 5, make quota, and hold the other 5 for the next day when, low and behold, none get shipped to the store. You still have 5 left over to sell, which you do, and again you make quota for the day.

    Basically the more days you make quota, the happier BB corporate is, and the better chance Mr. Manager gets a bonus down the road.

    Mr. Manager (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4DMPmoJkJQ)

    Best buy should fire these managers! Days without iPad, these days less customers in the store. Withholding a few would bring customers on days without any in stock.

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  • DeathChill
    Mar 31, 09:52 PM
    No, it's "make up a fake day" day.

    Good. I declare it dog moustache day.

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  • QuarterSwede
    Aug 12, 07:48 AM
    It may have been leaked on purpose. In light of the recent investigation into financial irregularities, this may have been to steady the floor.

    Also regarding mobile-phone saturation in Europe, i'd have to say it's almost 100%. I don't think Americans realise how cheap and easy it is to get a phone in Europe. It has gotten to the stage where they are almost a disposable item. For 50 euro you can get a nokia camera-phone, with 40 euro call credit. Of course this will be an entry level phone, but decent nonetheless.

    Every kid here in Ireland seems to have one. Only last week i helped a homeless man enter credit into his phone, I couldn't believe it, i was shocked when he asked me. Turns out its not so uncommon, charities give them old phones and help keep them charged. It represents some security for them, emergency calls are always free.
    You can get a cheap cell phone in the US as well. We call them track phones, go phones, boost (pay to add minutes to the phone). Even drug dealers use them so they can toss the phone when the deal is done and not be tracked. In the long run they are much more expensive then just getting a provider and plan.

    Back on topic, Apple's iPhone will have to be pretty sweet and work very well for me to buy one. I love my SE W600i for the UI alone. Its very intuitive and works very well.

    I'm thinking it'll look similarly like the Nano (as to kill the RAZR in size) yet have a click wheel that is integrated into the key pad. I saw a mockup last year that was VERY convincing because it was ingenious but haven't seen it since. The clickwheel was indented into the keypad area. I wish I could find that picture.

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  • MacSA
    Aug 7, 05:32 PM
    As a recent switcher to Mac, I have had a lot of experience with M$'s System Restore function. It is NOT a "go back and find that data I deleted" application. It IS a "can we please go back to a time when this computer wasn't totally ********* up" application.

    I know, I cant believe people are comparing it to the sytem restore on Windows... sys restore on my PC is total bollocks and never solved any problem I had.

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  • Willis
    Jul 29, 05:35 AM
    Of course, the problem with waiting until Paris for consumer upgrades like MacBook is that Apple will entirely miss the educational buying season, losing one of the largest markets for its consumer products...

    apples education buying season is now.... in fact, theyve already had a 33K notebook order from one school that i read on.

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  • thatisme
    Apr 27, 09:21 AM
    Sleep walking a lot lately?

    Nope. However, here are just a few threads detailing the behavior. I have to believe that this location issue is part of this problem... I guess we'll see when the "fix" is in....





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  • Becordial
    Apr 27, 08:25 AM
    I think the patch to iOS is a good response.

    Making it clear the log file especially when you switch off location services is a good response, and that it will shorten the overall storage of it.

    I hope it still does fast triangulation as necessary - there is a benefit to that - but just that the record keeping part basically is a non issue any more, because the cache is regularly flushed.

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  • mdavis
    Mar 26, 08:23 PM
    What? this seems hard to believe... Already done on development? :confused:

    it's not a particularly large release

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  • Yvan256
    Apr 10, 12:02 PM
    Wow. You'd think a FCP Users group would be able to track down a halfway decent graphic artist to make their banner graphic...

    At least the one on their website looks fine (yet still ugly), the one on MacRumors looks resized and the pixels got messed up... :confused:

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  • tundrabuggy
    Mar 31, 03:11 PM
    You could say the same thing about Apple though. The Apple fad will go away and the extremely closed ecosystem which seems to not be really developing much in terms of UI or having an actual roadmap could end iOS.

    I don't understand why people can't just see the pros and cons of both and accept both are great platforms. Its always a WAR with Apple fans. Apple against EVERYONE!

    This is a short-sighted statement if I've ever seen one. The Apple "Fad" will go away?? Apple is paving the way for all the me-too products to rip-off, oh, I forget, in its proper term, its labeled "competition". First iPhone and iPad are created as explosively successful products, then all the copy-cats come, as Jobs predicted they would. Not an ounce of creativeness from the others, now, linguists and Lawyers are being hired to copy the name "App store" as well, they need to have it to compete. If Apple went away, innovation in this market would stifle for 5 years at least.

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  • swingerofbirch
    Nov 28, 07:22 PM
    This would be like Ford paying Exxon a fee because some car drivers syphon gas....pretty weird!

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  • Multimedia
    Aug 6, 07:20 PM
    I have satellite internet and have not been able to see keynote streams since getting it. Quicktime just opens up and says "Connecting" but never does.

    Is there some other source that I can expect to show the keynote (in its entirety, please)... Living in the country is a love/hate thing these days.

    Thanks.It won't be a live video stream. In the afternoon Apple will begin streaming a compressed HD recording of it. I guess you'll have to go to a terrestrial caf� system. Have you complained to your Satellite provider?

    Final Eagles 10 Raiders 16 :p

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  • donlphi
    Nov 29, 12:31 AM
    I also wanted to add... go onto UNIVERSAL MUSIC GROUP (http://new.umusic.com/flash.aspx) and see how many groups you would be missing if ITUNES didn't offer Universal.

    If you need "98 DEGREES" on your iPOD, then you better start freaking out...

    Otherwise, don't sweat it. Universal has nothing to threaten Apple with. No worries here.

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  • Chundles
    Jul 20, 08:10 AM
    Hmm, would make for an awesome rev b. MacPro on or around MWSF (probably "around" as MWSF is really a big consumer event).

    Bring on the serious grunt!!

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  • severe
    Jun 15, 06:23 PM
    I'm not sure where you are getting your information from, but it doesn't match my experience at BB this morning...

    Likewise. The GF and I stopped by our local BB just after opening this morning as well. As much as I don't particularly like BB, our location made it as painless a procedure as it could be. One iPhone each. In and out in a few minutes, with a 10am appointment made for pickup on the 24th. And a promise of a call for confirmation before then.

    BTW, the GF used a gift certificate for the preorder and will use the remainder when she picks up the phone. Absolute zero out-of-pocket for her. I'm glad I tagged along today, having heard of the disaster elsewhere.

    Good luck to those of you still looking to preorder.

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  • dougny
    Nov 28, 10:58 PM
    Universal has already stated that half of the money will be going to the artists.

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  • X2468
    Mar 31, 06:54 PM
    Not a problem for me. HTC does a great job keeping phones updated.
    Precisely. I've been using HTC Android phones concurrently with my iPhones since I have multiple lines. I happen to like both platforms.

    What the Android haters here fail to realize, is that they cannot act like adults and say I like this about my iPhone far better than Android.

    Nooooo. They've got to preface it with something derogatory like "crappy Android" or worse. It shows their immaturity and inability to act intelligent. They reduce themselves to childish dolts. Idiots at best.

    Chupa Chupa
    Apr 8, 04:59 AM
    This is such a B.S. story. Apple to BB is like a minor star in the galaxy; if it goes out few will notice. Remember all those years BB didn't sell Apple products and did fine? Apple just doesn't have that kind of pull with a big box store. And every manufacturer knows that getting stores to behave as they'd like them to is like hearding cats.

    Until Apple can get more of its own stores it needs BB more than BB needs it. So I doubt Apple went all hurt or p.o.'d girlfriend on them.

    Apr 25, 02:06 PM
    As a consumer, why should I be subjected to this risk which doesn't benefit me in the slightest? And why should this data be "backed up," secretly, to my computer?

    The Wall Street Journal has found, however, that this newly-publicized database is constructed even when location services are turned off entirely.

    From the front page of macrumors, for all those who've said to turn off location services.

    This IS the type of thing that should be ruled on before a real problem develops.

    Sep 19, 05:16 AM
    Eh what choices do you have if Apple doesn't wish to play by your needs... buy from another vendor? Let the "free market" decide? Oh wait, I forgot, for Macs there is no free market, it is basically a monopoly.

    Why do you even visit this site? You are doing nothing but criticising Apple and their products. Please leave.
    Ps. If I was Admin I would ban you :p

    Apr 6, 05:10 PM
    I'm an Apple mobile device user, and I have never ever been on an Android-centric forum. Not one time! Why would I care what people who have such an obvious difference in taste think about what I have?

    It never ceases to amaze me at how many Android users have to flock to a site called "MacRumors" because they feel then need to lead us poor blinded Apple "fanboys" to the bright shining city on a hill that is Android paradise.

    At least go have your Android orgy, where it may be appreciated by others who care to watch that type of thing...wait...there are such things as Android forums, right?

    So someone forced you to read *and* comment on a story titled clearly "Motorola Xoom Tablet Sales: ..." ? Or was that not enough of a clue ?

    Apr 8, 01:49 AM
    Best Buy is now WORST BUY!!!!
    2004 called. They want their joke back. :rolleyes:

    I think it would be quite hilarious if Best Best lost their iPads and everyone had to go to ToysRUs instead. :D

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